Destiana Rahmawati,


This research focuses on the use of figures of speech by comparison in the soundtrack of Barbie as the

Princess and the Pauper. The objectives of the research are (1)  to identify the types of figures of speech by comparison, and (2) to describe the functions of figures of speech by comparison. Adopting qualitative

method, the main data in this research were in the form of song lyrics. The researcher employed some steps

during the data collection: watching, listening, analyzing, and classifying the data. In conducting the data analysis, the researcher undertook some steps: identifying, classifying, and making interpretation. Peer triangulation was applied to establish the validity of data. This research reveals the following findings. (1) there are only three out of four types of figures of speech by comparison found in the soundtrack of Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper based on Perrine’s theory, i.e. metaphor, simile, personification. (2) All functions of figures of speech by comparison are found in the songs, i.e. presenting imaginative pleasure, constructing additional imagery, building emotional intensity, and interpreting the meaning in brief compass. Each type of figures of speech by comparison has more than one particular functions; metaphor is expressed in presenting imaginative pleasure; the realization of simile is done by the use of comparative terms, such as like, as, and than  in interpreting the meaning in  brief compass;  in addition, personification  is expressed in  building emotional intensity.


Keywords: figures of speech by comparison, types, functions, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper

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