Maya Finarsih, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan program literasi baca tulis pada anak tunanetra di SLB-A Yaketunis Yogyakarta yang meliputi tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap penilaian, serta faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat program literasi baca tulis anak tunanetra. di SLB. Tahap perencanaan meliputi pelaksanaan assesmen dan penentuan tujuan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek literasi. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi tahapan literasi, strategi, sarana-prasarana dan media yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan program literasi. Tahap penilaian meliputi: teknik penilaian dan waktu penilaian. Faktor pendukung program literasi dasar baca tulis anak tunanetra: (a) faktor internal: dukungan dari semua pihak yang ada di sekolah, (b) faktor eksternal: dukungan orang tua siswa tunanetra dan pihak terkait. Faktor penghambat literasi dasar baca tulis anak tunanetra: (a) faktor internal: minat baca dan kemampuan baca siswa tunanetra yang rendah serta terbatasnya sarana-prasarana pendukung programliterasi tersebut. (b) faktor eksternal: lamanya pengadaan buku-buku braille oleh dinas terkait.
Kata kunci: program literasi, tunanetra
This study aims to determine the implementation of basic literacy programs in reading and writing children with visual impairment at SLB-A Yaketunis Yogyakarta, which includes the planning stages, implementation stages, and evaluation stages, as well as supporting factors and inhibiting factors for literacy program. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of literacy programs for students with visual impairment is as follows. (1) Program preparation: (a) literacy assessment is individual, includes literacy assessment techniques used, namely performance and timing of literacy assessments at the beginning of the program, (b) program achievement targets, including long-term achievement targets and short-term achievement targets what is determined by the teacher is functional. (2) Program implementation: (a) stages and literacy strategies, including: habituation, development and learning stages (b) learning media used, namely Braille books (c) facilities - school infrastructure used, namely library, reading area, board student work displays, and class book corners. 3) Program evaluation: (a) evaluation techniques used are performance, (b) evaluation conducted by the teacher with a note of observation at the end of each literacy activity and the end of the program. Factors supporting basic literacy programs for children with visual impairments: (1) internal factors: full support from all parties to the school (2) external factors: support from parents, as well as related agencies that facilitate the procurement of Braille reading books. The inhibiting factors for basic literacy in reading and childern with visual impairment are: (1)internal factors:low reading interest in childern with visual impairment and lack of supporting facilities for literacy programs(2) external factors: there has been no procurement of new Braille books from related agencies. has been done by schools so far, has made a request to procure new books for childern with visual impairment students.
Keyworsd: lyteracy program, visual impairment

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