Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuikeefektifanlatihanplyometric“sidejump” danjugglingterhadap peningkatanketepatantendanganlongpasssiswaSSB BaturetnoKU15 tahun.
Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodeeksperimendengandesain“one grouppre testpost testdesign”.Populasi dalampenelitianiniadalahsiswa SSBBaturetnoKU15tahunyang berjumlah 19 siswa. Pengambilansampel dalam penelitianini dilakukan dengan cara total sampling,dimanapengambilansampelberdasarkanjumlahtotalpopulasiatausampelyang ada yaitusemuasiswasekolahsepakbolaBaturetnokelompokumur15tahunyang berjumlah19 siswa.InstrumenyangdigunakanadalahtestendanganlambungBobby Charlthon(Danny Mielke, 2007:26)yang dimodifikasidengan validitaslongpass1 adalah 0,865,longpass2 adalah0,845,longpass3adalah0,767,danlongpass4adalah0,757danreliabilitassebesar
0,910. Analisisdata menggunakan ujit.
Hasilanalisismenunjukanbahwa:(1)adapeningkatanyang signifikanpadahasiltes ketepatantendanganlongpasssiswa SSBBaturetno KU15 tahunsetelah mengikuti program latihanplyometric“sidejump”danjugglingdenganthitung 8,708>ttabel1,733.(2) peningkatan nilairerataantarapre testdanposttestsebesar 30,22%.(3)rerata hasiltendangan longpasssiswa SSB BaturetnoKU15setelahdilakukanpretestdanposttestmengalami peningkatan. Pre testsebesar95,79danposttestsebesar 124,74..Kesimpulanlatihanplyometric “sidejump”danjugglingdapatmeningkatkanketepatantendanganlongpasssiswa sepakbola KU15 di SSB Baturetno.
Kata kunci: plyometric “side jump”, juggling, ketepatan long pass, SSB Baturetno
This study was purposedto determinethe effectiveness ofplyometric exercises "side
jump"and juggling towards theimprovement oflong kickaccuracypass inSSB Baturetno for students in age15 yearsold.
This researchused experimentalmethods to design"onegroup pretest posttest design". Thepopulation in this studywerestudents SSB Baturetno KU 15 years as much as 19 students. Thedata taken in this studyusedtotal sampling, wherethe data taken of this studybased on the number of the totalpopulation or which were19 students from SSB Baturetno age group. The instrument used was a long shot test ByBobbyCharlton (DannyMielke, 2007: 26)modified by the validityof thelong pass 1 was 0.865, a long pass 2 was 0.845, a long pass 3 was 0.767, and the long pass 4 was 0.757 and the reliabilitywas0.910. Thedata analysisusedthe t test.
Results of the analysisshowed that: (1) therewasa significant increase in the
accuracyof long pass kicktest result by thestudents in SSB Baturetno in theageof15 years old after followthe plyometric exercise side jump program and juggling using tcount 8,708 >t table1,733.(2) an increasein theaverageofvalue between pre-test and post-test as much as
30.22%.(3)After doingpre-test and post-test in long pass kick, the students in SSB Baturetno could get the improvement. Pre-test as much as 95,97 and post-test as much as 124,74. The
conclusion is plyometricside jump and juggling exercisecould increase students long pass kick accuracyin SSB Baturetno.
Keywords:plyometric"side jump", juggling, precision long pass, SSB Baturetno
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