Harriswan Saputro,


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena belum ada data kondisi fisik atlet dan keterampilan bermain sepak bola
klub Persopi Piyungan Bantul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kondisi fisik atlet dan keterampilan
bermain sepak bola klub Persopi Piyungan Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan
adalah survei dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan tes dan pengukuran. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah
atlet sepak bola klub Persopi Piyungan Bantul yang berjumlah 23 atlet. Teknik sampling dalam penelitian ini adalah
total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan bermain sepak bola dengan tes
pengembangan tes kecakapan “David Lee” (Subagyo Irianto, 2010: 152-156), kecepatan menggunakan tes lari 60 m,
kelincahan menggunakan tes illinois agility run test, dan daya tahan aerobik menggunakan tes multi tahap (multi stage
test). Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dalam bentuk persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian
maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa; (1) Kondisi fisik atlet sepak bola klub Persopi Piyungan Bantul kategori “sangat
baik” sebesar 8,69% (2 atlet), kategori “baik” sebesar 26,09% (6 atlet), kategori “cukup” sebesar 30,43% (7 atlet),
“kurang” sebesar 26,09% (6 atlet), “sangat kurang” sebesar 8,69% (2 atlet). Beradasarkan nilai rata-rata, yaitu 150,11,
kondisi fisik atlet sepak bola klub Persopi Piyungan Bantul masuk kategori „cukup”. (2) Keterampilan bermain sepak
bola atlet sepak bola klub Persopi Piyungan Bantul kategori “sangat baik” sebesar 0% (0 atlet), kategori “baik”
sebesar 39,13% (9 atlet), kategori “cukup” sebesar 30,43% (7 atlet), “kurang” sebesar 21,74% (5 atlet), “sangat
kurang” sebesar 8,69% (2 atlet). Beradasarkan nilai rata-rata, yaitu 44,84, keterampilan bermain sepak bola atlet sepak
bola klub Persopi Piyungan Bantul masuk kategori „cukup”.
Kata kunci: kondisi fisik, keterampilan bermain sepak bola, PERSOPI Bantul
This research is motivated because there is no data the physical condition of athletes and football clubs playing
skills Persopi Piyungan Bantul. This study aimed to determine the profile of the physical condition of athletes and
football clubs playing skills Persopi Piyungan Bantul. This type of research is descriptive. The method used was
survey with data retrieval technique using test and measurement. The population in this study is a football club
athletes Persopi Piyungan Bantul amounting to 23 athletes. Sampling in this study is total sampling. The instrument
used to measure the skills of playing soccer with test development proficiency test "David Lee" (Subagyo Irianto,
2010: 152-156), speed test run using a 60 meter, agility using illinois test run test agility and aerobic endurance using
tests multi-stage (multi stage test). Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis in the form of a percentage. Based
on the results of the study it can be concluded that; (1) The physical condition of athletes football club Persopi
Piyungan Bantul category of "very good" at 8.69% (2 athletes), "good" category amounted to 26.09% (6 athletes), the
category of "enough" of 30.43% (7 athletes), "less" of 26.09% (6 athletes), "much less" of 8.69% (2 athletes). Based
on the average value, ie 150.11, the physical condition of athletes football club Persopi Piyungan Bantul categorized
as 'sufficient'. (2) Skills athletes playing football club football Persopi Piyungan Bantul category of "very good" at 0%
(0 of athletes), "good" category amounted to 39.13% (9 athletes), the category of "enough" of 30.43% (7 athletes),
"less" of 21.74% (5 athletes), "much less" of 8.69% (2 athletes). ). Based on the average value, namely 44.84, skills
playing football club football athletes Bantul Persopi Piyungan categorized as 'sufficient'.
Keywords: physical condition, skills playing football, PERSOPI Bantul


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