Rohma Retno Jati, Dr. Ria Lumintuarso, M.Si,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kinerja gerak teknik awalan dan tumpuan lompat
jauh atlet putri pada Jateng Open I Tahun 2015 di Solo, sehingga dapat diketahui kelebihan dan
kelemahan setiap gerak teknik yang ditampilkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif
kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Seluruh atlet lompat jauh putri pada Jateng Open I Tahun 2015 di
Solo. Adapun sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 9 orang dengan menggunakan teknik purposive
sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah pengukuran kecepatan lari awalan dengan konsep dasar 8-
8-8 dan lembar analisa yang sudah disahkan oleh validator. Teknik analisis data menggunakan system
analisis perangkat lunak dartfish prosuite. Hasil penelitian tentang kinerja gerak teknik awalan dan
tumpuan lompat jauh menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kecepatan lari awalan seluruh sampel mengalami
peningkatan setiap 8 meter dengan rata-rata kecepatan 7.2 m/dt; (2) Pada tahap lari awalan(approach),
masih terdapat 3 sampel yang belum menampilkan gerak lari awalan yang akseleratif dan berirama
yaitu sampel 1, 2 dan 3;(3) Pada tahap bertumpu(take off), seluruh sampel sudah menampilkan gerakan
bertumpu yang aktif dan melakukan gerakan menekuk lutut (fleksi) pada rentang 1350-1650 dan pada
proses pelurusan seluruh sampel menampilkan pelurusan yang kurang sempurna.
Kata kunci: analisis, teknik, awalan, tumpuan, lompat jauh
The research intended to analyze the performance of motion techniques of approach run
and the long jump takeoff from the long jump female athletes in 2015 Jateng Open I held in Solo, so
that the strengths and weaknesses of each motion technique displayed could be comprehended. The
research was a descriptive quantitative study with survey methods. The research subject was all female
athletes in the women’s long jump event in 2015 Jateng Open I in Solo. The sample was for about 9
persons and it was taken by using purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was the
measurement of running speed with 8-8-8 pattern with the basic concepts and pieces of analysis that had
been validated by the validator. The data were analyzed by using analysis software system dartfish
prosuite. Results of research on the performance of motion techniques of approach run and the long
jump takeoff indicated that: (1) Speed of the approach run for the entire sample had increased every 8
meters with an average speed of 7.2 m/sec; (2) At the stage of approach run, there were three samples
that had not shown the accelerated and rhythmic approach run that were the samples 1, 2 and 3; (3) At
the stage of take off, the entire sample had shown the active takeoff movements and they had shown the
movement of knee bend (flexion) in the range of 1350 to 1650 and in the process of streamlining the
entire sample had shown the imperfect alignment.
Keywords: analysis, technique, approach run, takeoff, long jump

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