Asep Dwi Widodo,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan lari lurus satu sentuhan shooting
dan latihan lari zig-zag satu sentuhan shooting dengan metode drill terhadap ketepatan shooting, serta
untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh antara kedua latihan dalam peningkatan ketepatan shooting
atlet umur 11-12 tahun Sekolah Sepakbola PERSIMAN. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
eksperimen menggunakan desain penelitian “two group pretest-posttest design” dengan perlakuan
sebanyak 12 kali. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet SSB PERSIMAN berjumlah 20 anak yang
ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Ketepatan shooting diukur menggunakan
instrumen Bobby Charlton yang dikemukakan oleh Danny Mielke. Teknik analisis data menggunakan
uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas, sedangkan uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Ada pengaruh latihan lari lurus satu sentuhan shooting dengan metode drill
terhadap ketepatan shooting, dengan t hitung (16,282) > t tabel (2,262) dan peningkatan persentase
36,73%. (2) Ada pengaruh latihan lari zig-zag satu sentuhan shooting dengan metode drill terhadap
ketepatan shooting, dengan t hitung (15,652) > t tabel (2,262) dan peningkatan persentase 35,71%. (3)
Terdapat perbedaan antara pengaruh latihan lari lurus satu sentuhan shooting dan latihan lari zig-zag
satu sentuhan shooting dengan metode drill dalam peningkatan ketepatan shooting, namun
perbedaannya sangat kecil dan tidak signifikan.
Kata Kunci: lari lurus, lari zig-zag, ketepatan shooting

This research aimed to know the influence of shooting drill exercise with the road ball namely
one touch shooting with straight-line run and zig-zag run on the accuracy of shooting, and also to
know the difference of influence between two exercises on the increase of shooting accuracy athletes
11-12 years old PERSIMAN Football School.This research was a experimental research which used
“two group pretest-posttest design” with 12 times treatment. Sample in this research was 20 students
of PERSIMAN Football School, sampling technique using purposive sampling. The accuracy of
shooting was measured using Bobby Charlton instrument which was proposed by Danny Mielke. The
analysis technique consist of normality test and homogenity test, and also hypothesis test using t test.
The results showed that: (1) there are the influence of straight-line run one touch shooting with drill
method exercise on the accuracy of shooting, with t count (16,282) > t table (2,262) and the increase
percentage of 36,73%. (2) there are the influence of zig-zag run one touch shooting with drill method
exercise on the accuracy of shooting, with t count (15,652) > t table (2,262) and the increase
percentage of 35,71%. (3) there are the difference of influence between two exercises on the increase
of shooting accuracy but the difference is very minor and not significant.
Keywords: straight-line run, zig-zag run, accuracy of shooting

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