Yoga Utama, , Indonesia


Abstrak Minimnya sumber belajar siswa serta berkembangannya olahraga bola tangan dikalangan SMA, khususnya SMAN 1 Imogiri adalah suatu alasan melakukan penelitian pengembangan. Metode dalam penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah Research and Development. Langkah-langkah penelitian ini yaitu (1) Pendahuluan; (2) Pengembangan produk awal; (3) Validasi produk; (4) revisi produk; (5) Tahap ujicoba pemakaian; (6) Revisi Produk (7) produksi akhir. Peneliti mengambil 7 dari 10 langkah pengembangan menurut Borg and Gall di karyanya tahun 1983. Penilaian kelayakan video tutorial teknik dasar bola tangan untuk siswa SMAN 1 Imogiri dilihat dari hasil menurut ahli materi, memperoleh persentase sebesar 82,67 dalam kategori layak dan ahli media 76% dalam kategori layak. Sementara penilaian siswa sebagai penilai primer dalam ujicoba operasional mendapat nilai “sangat baik” sedangkan penilaian dari Guru Penjasorkes sebagai penilai sekunder dalam bentuk narasi mendapat respon positif dan layak produksi. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan produk pengembangan video tutorial teknik dasar bola tangan untuk siswa SMAN 1 Imogiri layak digunakan. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, SMA N 1 Imogiri, media video tutorial. Abstract The lack of learning resources for students and the development of sports handball among high school, especially SMAN 1 Imogiri is a reason to conduct research development. The method used in this research is Research and Development. The steps of this research are (1) Introduction; (2) early product development; (3) Validation of product; (4) product revisions; (5) Stages of trial usage; (6) Product Revision (7) final production. Researchers took 7 out of 10 development steps according to book of Borg and Gall 1983 . Assessment of the feasibility of basic handball video tutorial video for students of SMAN 1 Imogiri viewed from the results according to the material experts, obtaining a percentage of 82.67 in the good category and 76% media experts in the good category. While the assessment of the students as the primary appraisers in the operational trials is rated "excellent" while the assessment of Physical education Teachers as secondary assessors in the form of narratives receives a positive and viable response to production. Then it can be said that the product of video tutorial development of handball technique for students of SMAN 1 Imogiri is feasible to be used. Keyword : Research and Development, Public Senior High School 1 of Imogiri,.

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