Akhmad Nang Laksono, , Indonesia


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi program pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di SMK Kesehatan Bina Tama Yogyakarta 2016/2017, yang meliputi: (1) Konteks: relevansi materi pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dengan KTSP; (2) Input: latar belakang guru dan sarana dan prasaran pendidikan jasmani; (3) Proses: pelaksanaan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani; dan (4) Produk: Prestasi belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi dengan menggunakan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) yang dikembangkan oleh Stufflebeam (1985) dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian meliputi 2 guru pendidikan jasmani dan 78 peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Kesehatan Bina Tama Yogyakarta pada tanggal 20 Februari sampai 25 Maret 2017. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Data kualitatif dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif. Validitas instrumen penelitian dilakukan menggunakan expert judgement. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) berdasarkan hasil evaluasi Konteks, materi pembelajaran yang digunakan telah relevan dengan KTSP, namun ada beberapa kebijakan dari guru terkait keterbatasan sekolah; (2) hasil evaluasi input menunjukkan latar belakang pendidikan guru pengampu adalah Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga dengan pengalaman mengajar 5 tahun dan setahun, sedangkan kesesuaian sarana dan prasarana penjas menunjukkan tingkat kesesuaian sebesar 69, 23% termasuk kategori baik; (3) hasil evaluasi proses yang meliputi pelaksanaan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dalam kategori baik; (4) evaluasi produk yaitu prestasi belajar peserta didik dalam kategori sangat baik. Kata kunci: evaluasi, program pembelajaran, pendidikan jasmani, model CIPP ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the physical education learning program at Bina Tama VHS for Health of Yogyakarta in 2016/2017 in terms of: (1) context: the relevance of the physical education learning materials to the School-Based Curriculum (SBC); (2) input: the teachers’ background and infrastructure facilities for physical education; (3) process: the implementation of physical education learning; and (4) product: the students’ achievement. This was an evaluation study employing the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) model developed by Stufflebeam (1985) using the qualitative descriptive approach. The research subjects were 2 physical education teachers and 78 students. The study was conducted Bina Tama VHS for Health of Yogyakarta from 20 February to 25 March 2017. The data were collected through documentation, observations, and interviews. The qualitative data were analyzed by means of the descriptive technique. The research instrument validity was assessed by expert judgment. The results of the study are as follows. (1) Based on the results of the context evaluation, the learning materials have been relevant to the SBC, but there are teachers’ policies related to the school limitation. (2) The results of the input evaluation show that the teachers’ education background is the bachelor’s degree (S1) from the department of Sports Education with a teaching experience of 1 year and 5 years, and the relevance of infrastructure facilities for physical education is 69.23%, which is good. (3) The result of the process evaluation comprising the implementation of physical education learning is good. (4) The product evaluation, namely the students’ learning achievement, is very good. Keywords: evaluation, learning program, physical education, CIPP model

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