Vistor Syapri Maulana, , Indonesia


Abstrak Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah belum diketahuinya tingkat keterampilan pukulan forehand dan backhand pada siswa sekolah tenis New Armada Magelang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat keterampilan pukulan groundstroke forehand drive dan groundstroke backhand drive siswa sekolah tenis New Armada Magelang. Penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa sekolah tenis “New Armada” yang berjumlah 30 siswa yang terdiri dari 24 putra dan 6 putri. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes tenis Dyer (1938). Teknik analisis yang dilakukan adalah menuangkan frekuensi ke dalam bentuk persentase. Adapun hasil analisis deskriptif untuk variabel keterampilan pukulan groundstroke forehand drive siswa sekolah tenis New Armada Magelang diperoleh nilai maksimal 57; nilai minimal 7; rata-rata (mean) sebesar 33,16; dan simpangan baku 14,16; dengan kategori sedang 13 siswa (43,33%), sangat tinggi 1 siswa (3,33%), tinggi 9 siswa (30%), rendah 3 siswa (10%), sangat rendah 4 siswa (13,33%). Hasil analisis deskriptif untuk variabel keterampilan pukulan groundstroke backhand drive siswa sekolah tenis New Armada Magelang diperoleh nilai maksimal 53; nilai minimal 3; rata-rata (mean) sebesar 26,93; dan simpangan baku 15,95; dengan kategori rendah dengan 13 siswa (43,33%), sangat tinggi 1 siswa (3,33%), tinggi 10 siswa (33,33%), sedang 6 siswa (20%), sangat rendah 0 siswa atau 0%. Kata Kunci: keterampilan, groundstroke forehand drive, groundstroke backhand drive, siswa Abstract Background of the problem in this research is not already known the skill level of forehand and backhand drives punch on the students of New Armada tennis school Magelang. The aim of the research is to know the picture of skill level of groundstroke forehand and groundstroke backhand drives punch students of New Armada tennis school Magelang. This research applied descriptive quantitative research. Method of the research used survey method. Subject of the research were the students of New Armada tennis school which amounts of thirty students divided into twenty four male students and six female students. The instrument of the research was Dyer Tennis Test (1938). The analysis technique used in the research was putting the frequency into percentage form. The results of descriptive analysis for variable skill punch groundstroke forehand on the students of New Armada tennis school Magelang obtained with maximum value 57; minimum value 7; the average (mean) with 33,16; and standard deviation 14,16; with the average category thirteen students (43,33%), very high category one student (3,33%), high category nine students (30%), low category three students (10%), very low category four students (13,33%). The result of descriptive analysis for variable skill punch groundstroke backhand the students of New Armada tennis school Magelang obtained with maximum value 53; minimum value 3; the average (mean) with 26,93; and standard deviation 15,95; with low category thirteen students (43,33%), very high category one student (3,33%), high category ten students (33,33%), the average category six students (20%), very low category zero student or 0%. Keywords: skill, groundstroke forehand drive, groundstroke backhand drive, student(s)

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