Ganang Cipto Pramodho, , Indonesia


Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kemampuan peserta ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis SMP N 1 Ngawen kabupaten Blora dalam melakukan smash. baik itu smash silang maupun smash lurus. Serta belum diketahuinya tingkat perbedaan ketepatan antara smash silang dan smash lurus peserta ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis SMP N 1 Ngawen 2015 . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan ketepatan smash silang dan smash lurus dalam keterampilan bulutangkis peserta ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis SMP N 1 Ngawen Kabupaten Blora. Desain penelitian ini termasuk penelitian survei. Sampel penelitian dengan teknik sensus sebanyak 25 orang dijadikan sebagai subjek penelitian. Teknik yang digunakan untuk pengambilan data adalah teknik tes dan pengukuran. Insrumen yang digunakan untuk tes kemampuan smash bulutangkis oleh Saleh Anasir (2010: 28) dengan validitas 0,926 dari kriterion round robin tournament dan reliabilitas 0,90 dari test-retest. Analisis data menggunakan uji prasyarat (uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas) dan uji-t. Hasil uji diperoleh nilai uji-t antara smash silang dan smash lurus dalam keterampilan bulutangkis yang memiliki nilai t hitung 9,591, t tabel 2,064 (df = 24) pada taraf signifikansi 5%, karena t hitung lebih besar dari t-tabel maka ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara smash silang dan smash lurus peserta ekstrakurikuler SMP N 1 Ngawen Kabupaten Blora, dan hasil ketepatan smash lurus lebih baik dari smash silang. Kata kunci : smash silang, smash lurus, keterampilan bulutangkis. A Test of the Difference in the Accuracy between the Cross Smash and the Straight Smash in the Badminton Skills among the Extracurricular Badminton Participants at SMPN 1 Ngawen, Blora Regency, in 2015 (Ganang Cipto Pramodho) A TEST OF THE DIFFERENCE IN THE ACCURACY BETWEEN THE CROSS SMASH AND THE STRAIGHT SMASH IN THE BADMINTON SKILLS AMONG THE EXTRACURRICULAR BADMINTON PARTICIPANTS AT SMPN 1 NGA WEN, BLORA REGENCY, IN 2015 Ganang Cipto Pramodho/Study Program of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation /Faculty of Sports Science/Yogyakarta State University Abstract The research backgrounds are that the extracurricular badminton participants at SMPN 1 Ngawen, Blora Regency, lack skills in smashes, both the cross smash and the straight smash, and that the levels of the difference in the accuracy between the cross smash and the straight smash among them have not been found out. This study aimed to find out the difference in the accuracy between the cross smash and the straight smash among them. The study used the survey design. The research sample, consisting of 25 students as the research subjects, was selected by means of the census technique. The data collecting techniques were test and measurement. The instrument was the test of badminton smash skills by Saleh Anasir (2010: 28) with a validity coefficient of 0.926 from the criterion of round robin tournament and a reliability coefficient of 0. 90 from the test-retest. The data analysis included assumption tests (tests of normality and homogeneity) and the t-test. The results of the t-test for the cross smash and the straight smash in badminton skills showed tobserved = 9.591 and ttable = 2.064 (df = 24) at a significance level of 5%. Because !observed was greater than trnbJe, there was a significant difference between the cross smash and the straight smash among the extracurricular badminton participants at SMPN 1 Ngawen, Blora Regency, and the accuracy result of the straight smash was better than the cross smash. Keywords: cross smash, straight smash, badminton skills CATA TAN: Jika SMPN 1 Ngawen diterjemahkan, terjemahannya adalah Public Junior High School 1 ofNgawen, disingkat PJHS 1 ofNgawen.

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