Fajar Adi Nugroho, , Indonesia


Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh dibukanya Prodi PJKR di Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015, adanya animo masyarakat yang besar di kota Purwokerto dalam berolahraga namun terlihat ada perbedaan yang cukup banyak antara jumlah laki-laki dan perempuan sebagai pelakunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan animo siswa dan siswi kelas XII SMAN se-Kota Purwokerto untuk melanjutkan studi menuju Prodi PJKR UNSOED berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan orang tua. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian komparatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Uji coba instrumen dilakukan kepada 118 responden. Angket dinyatakan valid dan reliabel (r hitung = 0,960). Uji prasyarat analisis terdiri dari uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 438 responden. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji anova dan uji beda t- test. Tingkat signifikansi sebesar 5%. Hasil uji anova menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan animo siswa dan siswi untuk melanjutkan studi menuju Prodi PJKR UNSOED berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan orang tua. Hasil uji beda t-tes dengan taraf signifikansi (two-tailed) menunjukkan: 1) antara siswa dasar dan siswi dasar 0,770 (tidak ada perbedaan), 2) antara siswa menengah dan siswi dasar 0,744 (tidak ada perbedaan), 3) antara siswa dasar dan siswi menengah 0,730 (tidak ada perbedaan), 4) antara siswa tinggi dan siswi dasar 0,702 (tidak ada perbedaan), 5) antara siswa menengah dan siswi menengah 0,521 (tidak ada perbedaan), 6) antara siswa dasar dan siswitinggi 0,350 (tidak ada perbedaan), 7) antara siswa menengah dan siswi tinggi 0,068 (tidak ada perbedaan), 8) antara siswa tinggi dan siswi menengah 0,047 (terdapat perbedaan), 9) antara siswa tinggi dan siswi tinggi 0,000 (terdapat perbedaan). Kata kunci: Animo Siswa dan Siswi, SMAN se-Purwokerto, Prodi PJKR UNSOED Abstract The research was motivated by the opening of the PJKR department in the University of Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto in the academic year 2014/2015, the large number of Purwokerto citizens that interest in sport, however, there was a big difference between the number of male and female as the perpetrators. This research was aimed to find out whether there is a difference of interests of the senior high school students of class XII in Purwokerto to continue their studies and take PJKR department in UNSOED based on educational level of their parents. This research was comparative research using a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire. The instruments were tested to the 118 respondents. Based on the result of the test, the instruments were considered valid and reliability (r = count 0.960). The precondition analysis test consisted of homogeneity and normality test with a total population of 438 respondents. Test hypotheses test used anova test and bedat-test. The level of significance was 5%. Anova test results indicated that there was a difference of interests of male students and female students to continue their studies and take UNSOED PJKR department based on education level of their parents. Test results of the t-test with significance level (two-tailed) showed: 1) among students of primary and elementary students 0.770 (no difference), 2) between middle and elementary students 0.744 (no difference), 3) among students of primary and secondary students 0.730 (no difference), 4) among students high and elementary students 0.702 (no difference), 5) between the middle and secondary students students 0.521 (no difference) , 6) between the students of basic and high schoolgirl 0.350 (no difference), 7) between the middle and high students students 0.068 (no difference), 8) between high and medium-high GPA students 0.047 (there is a difference), 9) among students is high and high schoolgirl 0.000 (there is a difference). Keyword : Interest of students, all high school Purwokerto, Courses PJKR UNSOED.

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