Prayogi Setyo, , Indonesia


Abstrak Keterampilan jump shot peserta ekstrakurikuler belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekuatan otot lengan, otot perut dan otot tungkai dengan keterampilan jump shot peserta ekatrakurikuler basket SMA Negeri 2 Klaten. Penelitian menggunakan desain korelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah para peserta ekstrakurikuler basket putra SMA N 2 Klaten dengan jumlah sebanyak 25 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Sejumlah 20 siswa memenuhi syarat untuk menjadi sampel penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes pull up, tes sit up, tes kekuatan otot tungkai dan tes jump shot. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi. Keberhasilan jump shot ditentukan oleh penguasaan teknik yang benar. Sedangkan faktor fisik merupakan faktor pendukung keterampilan jump shot. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kekuatan otot lengan dengan keterampilan jump shot, dengan rx1.y = 0,736 > r tabel = 0,4438, kekuatan otot perut dengan keterampilan jump shot, dengan rx2.y = 0,784 > r tabel = 0,4438 dan kekuatan otot tungkai dengan keterampilan jump, dengan rx3.y = 0,833 > r tabel = 0,4438. Hasil analisa korelasi ganda diperoleh (F hitung = 34,705, F tabel = 3,29), berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot perut dan kekuatan otot tungkai dengan keterampilan jump shot peserta ekatrakurikuler bolabasket. Koefisien determinasi (r2) yang diperoleh adalah 0,867, artinya (0,867 x 100 %) = 86,7 % keterampilan jump shot peserta ekstrakurikuler basket SMA Negeri 2 Klaten ditentukan oleh kombinasi kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot perut dan kekuatan otot tungkai sedangkan sisanya 13,3 % ditentukan oleh faktor atau variabel lain yang tidak dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: kekuatan otot lengan, kekuatan otot perut, kekuatan otot tungkai, keterampilan jump shot Abstract The jump shoot skills of basketball extracurricular participants of SMA N 2 Klaten have not been investigated yet. This study aims to determine the relationship between the arm muscles, the abdominal muscles and the leg muscles strength and the jump shot skills of the basketball extracurricular participants of SMA Negeri 2 Klaten. The method of this study was correlational study design. The population of this study was men's basketball extracurricular participants of SMA N 2 Klaten with a total of 25 students. The sampling technique on this study was purposive sampling technique. There were 20 students who were fulfilled the requirement to be the sample of the study. Data collection techniques in this study was use a set of test, that consist of : pull-ups test, sit- ups test, leg muscle strength test and jump shot test.The data analysis employed the regression analysis. The success of the jump shot is determined by the mastery of proper technique. While physical factors are supporting factors on jump shot skill. The result showed that there was significant relation between the arm muscle strength with the jump shot skill, with rx1.y = 0.736> r table = 0.4438, the abdominal muscle strength with the jump shot skill, with rx2.y = 0.784> r table = 0.4438 and the leg muscle strength with the jump shot skill, with rx3.y = 0,833> r table = 0.4438. Results of multiple correlation analysis indicated a significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The results of the analysis represented the F count = 34.705> F table = 3.29, means that there is a significant correlation between the arm muscles, abdominal muscle and the leg muscle strength with the jump shot skill of basketball extracurricular participants. The coefficient of determination (r2) was 0.867, which means (0.867 x 100%) = 86.7% of jump shot skills research participants is determined by a combination of the arm muscles, the abdominal muscle and leg muscle strength while the remaining 13, 3% is determined by factors or other variables that was not examined in this study. Keywords: strength of arm muscles, abdominal muscle strength, leg muscle strength, jump shot skill.

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