Febritya Dwi Romansyah,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon guru penjasorkes terhadap sertifikasi di SD Negeri se-Kecamatan
Bambanglipuro. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif.  Subjek dan objek dalam
penelitian ini adalah guru penjasorkes sertifikasi di SD Negeri se-Kecamatan Bambanglipuro. Pengumpulan data
menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi teknik.
Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis data yang mencakup reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa respon guru penjasorkes terhadap sertifikasi di SD Negeri se-Kecamatan
Bambanglipuro adalah positif. Guru sudah memenuhi mengajar seminggu minimal 24 jam pelajaran, melaksanakan
pemberkasan setiap 6 bulan sekali dan mengikuti UKG. Kompetensi pedagogis guru tergolong positif, tetapi belum
semua guru melaksanakan pengembangan potensi siswa. Kompetensi profesional guru tergolong positif karena guru
menguasai materi, mengikuti program pengembangan diri, guru aktif mengikuti KKG, seminar, diklat dan petihan,
membuat atau memodifikasi alat pembelajaran, namun belum semua guru melakukan publikasi ilmiah dan
memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk mengembangkan diri. Kompetensi kepribadian guru
tergolong positif karena guru tidak terlambat datang sekolah, berpakaian rapi dan sopan, mengajar sesuai jadwal dan
menyampaikan materi dengan jelas. Kompetensi sosial guru juga tergolong positif karena guru aktif mengikuti KKG,
guru berjabat tangan ketika datang dan pulang sekolah, tidak diskriminatif, berbicara santun kepada siswa dan dapat
berkomunikasi dengan warga sekitar sekolah.

Kata Kunci: kompetensi guru

Certification is a way that has been done by the government for teachers who have met teacher qualifications and
competences. This study aims to determine the responses of physical education teachers to certification programs in all
elementary schools located in entire of Bambanglipuro District. This research study is included in qualitative research
using descriptive method. Subjects and objects of this study are the physical education teachers who have been certified
in all elementary schools in entire Bambanglipuro District. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview
and documentation. The data validity test is done by triangulation technique. Techniques of data analysis used are data
reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results showed that the response of physical education teachers to
certification in all elementary schools in Bambanglipuro District was positive. Teachers have met at least 24 hours of
teaching lessons in a week, carrying out the filing activities once every 6 months and participating in the UKG
(Teachers Competency Test). Teachers’ pedagogical competence is quite positive, although not all teachers
implement the students’ potential development program. Teachers’ professional competence is positive because the
teacher have mastered the material, followed the self-development program, actively participated in KKG (Teachers
Forum), seminar and training, have been able to make or modify props, eventhough not all teachers conduct scientific
publications, utilize information and communication technology to develop themselves. The teachers’ personality
competence is positive because the teacher has not arrived late in school, are well-dressed and polite, teach by
following to the schedules and deliver the materials clearly. The teachers’ social competence is also positive because
they are actively participating the KKG, teachers shake hands with the students when coming and going home from
school, not discriminating, speaking politely to students and can communicate well to people in the neighborhood
around the school.

Keywords: teacher competence

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