Muflih Reza Setyanto,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembelajaran permainan bola
kecil di kelas atas Sekolah Dasar se gugus Sendangadi dilihat dari tahap pra pembelajaran sampai
tahap evaluasi.
Desain penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah
guru pendidikan jasmani Sekolah Dasar se Gugus Sendangadi. Teknik pengumpulan data
penelitian ini dengan metode angket atau kuisioner. Angket yang digunakan merupakan angket
tertutup di mana responden hanya mernilih jawaban yang sudah disediakan, terdiri dari 50 butir
pertanyaan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif melalui bentuk persentase.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru pendidikan jasmani di Sekolah Dasar se Gugus
Sendangadi dalam menyusun program pembelajaran mempunyai nilai "sangat tinggi" (57.10%).
Dalam persiapan pembelajaran mempunyai nilai "sangat tinggi" (71.40%). Keterlaksanaan materi
mempunyai nilai "sangat tinggi" ( 42.85%). Penguasaan materi mempunyai nilai "tinggi"
(71.40%). Metode mengajar mempunyai nilai "sangat tinggi" (28.60%). Penggunaan sarana dan
prasarana mempunyai nilai "sangat tinggi" ( 42.85%). Kreativitas mengajar mempunyai nilai
"sangat tinggi" (100.00%). Praktek keterampilan mempunyai nilai "sangat tinggi" (57.10%).
Penilaian proses dan basil mempunyai nilai "tinggi" (42.85%).
Kata kunci : Proses Pembelajaran, Permainan Bola Kecil, Sekolah Dasar
The purpose of this research is to find out the process of teaching learning little ball in
upper class of Sendangadi cluster, viewed from pre-learning to evaluation phase.
The design of this research used descriptive quantitative. The subject of this research was
physical education teacher of Elementary School in Sendangadi. The data collection technique of
this research was using questionnaire method. The questionnaire that researcher used was a
closed questionnaire, which respondent could only choose the listed answer the researcher
provided. It contained 50 questions. The analytical data that the researcher used in this research
was descriptive statistic in the form of percentage.
The result of this research showed that Physical Education Teacher of Elementary School
in Sendangadi cluster, they scored "very high" (57.10%) in arranging learning program. In
preparing the learning they scored "very high" (ll.40%). Their-realization of the learning matter
scored "very high" (42.85%). Their mastery of matter scored "high" (71.40%). The learning
method got "very high" (28.60%). The use of facility scored "very high" (42.85%). Their creativity
in teaching learning scored "very high" (100%). Their practice skill got "very high" (57.10%).

While the score of process and result got "High" (42.85%).
Keywords: Teaching Learning Process, Little Ball Game, Elementary School

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