dhana - yudhanta,


Permasalahan penelitian adalah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa berangkat ke sekolah
dengan bersepeda, berjalan kaki, dan antar jemput belum dapat teridentifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa kelas VI SD Negeri Gadingan Tahun Ajaran
2015/2016 berdasarkan kebiasaan berangkat sekolah.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data
menggunakan tes dan pengukuran. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri
Gadingan Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 sejumlah 36 siswa. Instrumen penelitian adalah TKJI untuk
anak usia 10 – 12 tahun dengan nilai reliabilitas putra 0,911 dan putri 0,942; sedangkan validitas putra
sebesar 0,884 dan putri 0,897. Materi tes meliputi: lari 40 meter, gantung siku tekuk, baring duduk 30
detik, loncat tegak, dan lari 600 meter. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriktif kuantitatif
dengan persentase.  
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa VI SD Negeri
Gadingan Kulon Progo Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 yang berangkat dengan bersepeda, menunjukkan
untuk kategori “baik sekali” 0 %; kategori “baik” 0 %; kategori “sedang” 28,58 %; kategori “kurang”
60,71 %; dan kategori “kurang sekali” 10,71 %. (2) Tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa VI SD Negeri
Gadingan Kulon Progo Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 yang berangkat dengan berjalan kaki menunjukkan
untuk kategori “baik sekali” 0 %; kategori “baik” 25 %; kategori “sedang” 25 %; kategori “kurang”
50 %; dan kategori “kurang sekali”     0 %. (3) Tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa VI SD Negeri
Gadingan Kulon Progo Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 yang berangkat dengan diantar jemput,
menunjukkan untuk kategori “baik sekali” 0 %; kategori “baik” 0 %; kategori “sedang” 25 %;
kategori “kurang” 75 %; dan kategori “kurang sekali” 0 %.

Kata kunci : TKJI, Siswa SD, Berangkat Sekolah.

The research problem is that the factors affecting students’ going to school, namely by bike,
on foot, and by being taken to and from school, have not been identified. This study aims to
investigate the physical fitness levels of Grade VI students of SD Negeri Gadingan in the 2015/2016
academic year based on the habits of going to school.
This was a quantitative descriptive study. The data collecting techniques were testing and
measurement. The research population comprised all Grade VI students of SD Negeri Gadingan in the
2015/2016 academic year with a total of 36 students. The research instrument was the Indonesian
Physical Fitness Test (IPFT) for children aged 10 – 12, with a reliability coefficient of 0.911 for males
and 0.942 for females; meanwhile the validity coefficient was 0.884 for males and 0.897 for females.
The materials of the test included 40 meter running, hanging bent elbow, 30 second sit-up, vertical
jump, and 60 meter running. The data analysis technique was the quantitative descriptive technique
using percentages.  The results of the study were as follows. (1) Regarding the physical fitness levels of Grade VI
students of SD Negeri Gadingan Kulon Progo in the 2015/2016 academic year who went to school by
bike, 0% was very good, 0% was good, 28.58% were moderate, 60.71% were poor, and 10.71% were
very poor. (2) Regarding the physical fitness levels of Grade VI students of SD Negeri Gadingan
Kulon Progo in the 2015/2016 academic year who went to school on foot, 0% was very good, 25%
were good, 25% were moderate, 50% were poor, and 0% was very poor. (3) Regarding the physical
fitness levels of Grade VI students of SD Negeri Gadingan Kulon Progo in the 2015/2016 academic
year who went by being taken to and from school, 0% was very good, 0% was good, 25% were
moderate, 75% were poor, and 0% was very poor.

Keywords: IPFT, ES Students, Going to School

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