Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh bermain sepakbola gawang bergerak terhadap
kesegaran jasmani peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola di SD Negeri 1 Jotangan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian
eksperimen, metode yang digunakan adalah metode pra-eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one group
pretest-posttest design (pembandingan pretest dan posttest tanpa menggunakan kelompok kontrol).
Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu Test Kesegaran Jasmani Indonesia, Teknik pengumpulan data dimulai
dari melakukan pretest kemudian pemberian traetment dan diakhiri dengan posttest. Teknik analisis data
dilakukan dengan statistik parametrik yaitu dengan menguji perbedaan skor rata-rata antara kelompok
pretest dengan kelompok posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan
antara rerata pretest dan posttest. Keseluruhan item TKJI menunjukkan hasil sig. 0.000 < 0.025. Daerah
penerimaan Ho berada pada -2.1788 – 2.1788, sedangkan t hitung berada diluar daerah penerimaan Ho,
artinya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh bermain sepak bola gawang
bergerak terhadap kesegaran jasmani siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler sepakbola di SD
Negeri 1 Jotangan Kecamatan Bayat Kabupaten Klaten.
Kata kunci: Kebugaran jasmani, sepakbola gawang bergerak, permainan
This study aimed to find out the effect of playing moving goalposts football on the physical fitness of participants of
the extracurricular football at SD Negeri 1 Jotangan. This was an experimental study and the method was the preexperiental method using the one group pretest-posttest design (to compare the pretest and the posttest without a
control group). The instrument was the Indonesia test of physical fitness (ITPT). The data collection was started by
administering a pretest, followed by giving a treatment, and ended by administering a posttest. The data analysis
technique was a parametric statistical test by testing the difference in the mean scores between the pretest gruop
and the posttest group.the result of the study showed that their was a significant improvement from the pretest
mean score to the posttest mean score. All the items in ITPT showed a significance of 0.000-0.025. the area of the
Ho acceptance was in -2.1788-2.1788 and tobserved was outside the Ho acceptance, indicating that Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted. It could be concluded that there was an effect of playing moving goalposts
football on the physical fitness of the students joining the extracurricular football at SD Negeri Jotangan,
Bayat District, Klaten Regency.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh bermain sepakbola gawang bergerak terhadap
kesegaran jasmani peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola di SD Negeri 1 Jotangan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian
eksperimen, metode yang digunakan adalah metode pra-eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one group
pretest-posttest design (pembandingan pretest dan posttest tanpa menggunakan kelompok kontrol).
Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu Test Kesegaran Jasmani Indonesia, Teknik pengumpulan data dimulai
dari melakukan pretest kemudian pemberian traetment dan diakhiri dengan posttest. Teknik analisis data
dilakukan dengan statistik parametrik yaitu dengan menguji perbedaan skor rata-rata antara kelompok
pretest dengan kelompok posttest. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan
antara rerata pretest dan posttest. Keseluruhan item TKJI menunjukkan hasil sig. 0.000 < 0.025. Daerah
penerimaan Ho berada pada -2.1788 – 2.1788, sedangkan t hitung berada diluar daerah penerimaan Ho,
artinya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh bermain sepak bola gawang
bergerak terhadap kesegaran jasmani siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler sepakbola di SD
Negeri 1 Jotangan Kecamatan Bayat Kabupaten Klaten.
Kata kunci: Kebugaran jasmani, sepakbola gawang bergerak, permainan
This study aimed to find out the effect of playing moving goalposts football on the physical fitness of participants of
the extracurricular football at SD Negeri 1 Jotangan. This was an experimental study and the method was the preexperiental method using the one group pretest-posttest design (to compare the pretest and the posttest without a
control group). The instrument was the Indonesia test of physical fitness (ITPT). The data collection was started by
administering a pretest, followed by giving a treatment, and ended by administering a posttest. The data analysis
technique was a parametric statistical test by testing the difference in the mean scores between the pretest gruop
and the posttest group.the result of the study showed that their was a significant improvement from the pretest
mean score to the posttest mean score. All the items in ITPT showed a significance of 0.000-0.025. the area of the
Ho acceptance was in -2.1788-2.1788 and tobserved was outside the Ho acceptance, indicating that Ho was
rejected and Ha was accepted. It could be concluded that there was an effect of playing moving goalposts
football on the physical fitness of the students joining the extracurricular football at SD Negeri Jotangan,
Bayat District, Klaten Regency.
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