Hidayat Hikmah Hartanto,


 Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa penilaian pelatih atau guru terhadap keterampilan dasar
bermain sepakbola siswa hanya dilakukan pada proses latihannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui tingkat keterampilan bermain sepakbola siswa putra peserta ekstrakurikuler SD N
Karangjati, Ngaglik, Sleman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan
metode survey dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen yang sudah ada yaitu Tes Keterampilan Sepakbola Usia 10-12
Tahun dari Daral Fauzi R (2009). Adapun validitas (v) dan reliabilitas (r) tes tersebut yaitu sebagai
berikut : Tes dribling (r: 0,61, v: 0,72), tes short passed (r: 0,69, v: 0,66), tes throw in (r: 0,65, v:
0,78), tes running with the ball (r: 0,79, v: 0,75), tes heading (r: 0,74, v: 0,80), dan tes shooting at the
ball (r: 0,76, v: 0,82). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif
kuantitatif menggunakan presentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keterampilan peserta
ekstrakurikuler sepakbola di SD N Karangjati tidak ada yang berkategori baik sekali (0%), kategori
baik 6,25% atau 1 siswa, kategori sedang 62,5% atau 10 siswa, kategori kurang 18,75% atau 3 siswa,
dan kategori kurang sekali 12,5% atau sebanyak 2 siswa.
Kata kunci : keterampilan dasar, bermain sepakbola, siswa usia 10-12 tahun, ekstrakurikuler

This research is motivated that the assessment of the coach or teacher on the football basic skills
only performed on the training process. In addition, the skill to play football is not good to make the
basis of their research. This study aims to determine the level of football skill of male students who
participate extracurricular at State Elementary School Karangjati, Ngaglik, Sleman. This research was
a descriptive study using survey methods with test as the data collection techniques. The instrument
used in this study was Football Skills Test for the Age of 10-12 Years according to Daral Fauzi R
(2009). As for the validity of (v) and reliability (r) of the test were as follows: dribbling test (r: 0.61,
v: 0.72), short passed test (r: 0.69, v: 0.66), the throw in test (r: 0.65, v: 0.78), the running with the
ball test (r: 0.79, v: 0.75), the heading test (r: 0.74, v: 0.80) and shooting at the ball test (r: 0.76, v:
0.82). Data analysis techniques used in this research was quantitative descriptive analyses using
percentage. The results showed that the level of football skill of male students who participate
extracurricular at State Elementary School Karangjati, Ngaglik, Sleman categorized as very good
category of 0 students (0%), the good category of 6.25% or 1 students, the medium category of 62.5%
or 10 students, or poor category of 18.75% or 3 students, and very poor category of 12.5% or 2
Keywords: basic skills, football, students with aged of 10-12 years, extracurricular

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