Hayatun Muslimah,


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kenyataan bahwa kondisi SDN Sokowaten Baru
berasal dari berbagai kalangan yang berstatus sosial ekonomi yang berbeda-beda. Status sosial
ekonomi merupakan variabel yang sering dilihat hubunganya dengan status gizi dan
kesehatan, yang mana belum diketahuinya besarnya hubungan antara tingkat sosial ekonomi
dengan setatus gizi, maka tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara
tingkat sosial ekonomi dengan status gizi siswa SDN Sokowaten Baru.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasi dengan metode survei. Instrumen dalam
penelitian ini berupa angket, sedangkan untuk mengukur status gizi menggunakan tes
antropometri. Subjek penelitian yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas IV dan V SDN Sokowaten
Baru yang berjumlah100 anak. Teknik analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment
dengan taraf signifikan 5 %.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai r
sebesar 0,555 > r
tabel (0,05)(99)
 (0,165). Maka
dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara hubungan antara
tingkat sosial ekonomi dengan status gizi siswa Sekolah Dasar Sokowaten Baru Kecamatan
Banguntapan Bantul. Hasil koefisien determinan (R²) variable status sosial ekonomi sebesar
0,308, nilai tersebut diartikan tingkat sosial ekonomi memberikan sumbangan sebesar 30,8 %
terhadap status gizi siswa Sekolah Dasar Sokowaten Baru, sisanya sebesar 69,2 % dipengaruhi
faktor lain.
Kata kunci: Hubungan, tingkat sosial ekonomi, status gizi

This research was greatly inspired by the fact that the students’ conditions in SDN
Sokowaten Baru were from various background including their various socioeconomic status.
Socioeconomic status was a variable that was often associated with nutrition and health
status, in wich it was still unknown the magnitude of the relationship between socioeconomic
level and the nutrition status, then the objective of the research was to examine the
relationship between the socioeconomic levels and nutritional status of the students from SDN
Sokowaten Baru.
This research was a correlation study with the survey method. The research
instruments employed questionnaire, whereas to measure the nutritional status was using
anthropometric tests. The research subjects were the fourth and fifth grade students of SDN
Sokowaten Baru with the total of 100 students. The data was analyzed by using product
moment correlation with significance level at 5%.
The results showed the value of r count was equal to 0.555 > r table (0.05) (99)
(0.165). Then it could be concluded that there was a significant relationship between the
socioeconomic level and the nutritional status of the students from SDN Sokowaten Baru,
Banguntapan Sub-District, Bantul. The result of determinant coefficient (R ²) variable for
socioeconomic status was at 0,308, it was interpreted that the socioeconomic levels provided a
contribution at 30.8% on the nutritional status of the students from SD N Sokowaten Baru,
while the remaining 69.2% were influenced by other factors.
Keywords: relationships, socioeconomic level, nutritional status

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