Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh siswa kurang tertarik terhadap pembelajaran
aktivitas ritmik dan belum diketahuinya minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik.
Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui minat siswa kelas V SDN Percobaan 4
Wates terhadap pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif
kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan teknik
pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa
kelas V SD N Percobaan 4 Wates yang berjumlah 50 siswa. Teknik analisis data
menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase.
Setelah dilakukan penelitian hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa minat siswa kelas V SD N
Percobaan 4 Wates dalam mengikuti pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik berada pada kategori
“sangat rendah” sebesar 10% (5 siswa), kategori “rendah” 18% (9 siswa), kategori “sedang”
36% (18 siswa), kategori “tinggi” 32% (16 siswa), “sangat tinggi” 4% (2 siswa)”.
Kata kunci: minat, pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik
This research was motivated by the students’ minimum interest on rhythmic activity
learning and it was still unknown about the students' interest on the rhythmic activity
learning. This research intended in determining the interest of the fifth grade students from
SDN Percobaan 4 Wates towards the rhythmic activity learning. This research was a
descriptive quantitative study. The research method was using survey method with the data
collection employed the questionnaire. The subjects were all fifth grade students of SD N
Percobaan 4 Wates with the total of 50 students. The data were analyzed by using
descriptive quantitative analysis as outlined in the form of percentage. From the research
results, it showed that the interest of the fifth grade students of SD N Percobaan 4 Wates in
the participation of rhythm activity learning was as follows: 10% (5 students) were in the
category of "very low", 18% (9 students) belonged to the category of "low", 36% (18
students) were in the category of "medium", 32% (16 students) belonged to the category of
"high", and 4% (2 students) were in the category of "very high".
Keywords: interest, rhythmic activity learning
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh siswa kurang tertarik terhadap pembelajaran
aktivitas ritmik dan belum diketahuinya minat siswa terhadap pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik.
Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui minat siswa kelas V SDN Percobaan 4
Wates terhadap pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif
kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan teknik
pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa
kelas V SD N Percobaan 4 Wates yang berjumlah 50 siswa. Teknik analisis data
menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase.
Setelah dilakukan penelitian hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa minat siswa kelas V SD N
Percobaan 4 Wates dalam mengikuti pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik berada pada kategori
“sangat rendah” sebesar 10% (5 siswa), kategori “rendah” 18% (9 siswa), kategori “sedang”
36% (18 siswa), kategori “tinggi” 32% (16 siswa), “sangat tinggi” 4% (2 siswa)”.
Kata kunci: minat, pembelajaran aktivitas ritmik
This research was motivated by the students’ minimum interest on rhythmic activity
learning and it was still unknown about the students' interest on the rhythmic activity
learning. This research intended in determining the interest of the fifth grade students from
SDN Percobaan 4 Wates towards the rhythmic activity learning. This research was a
descriptive quantitative study. The research method was using survey method with the data
collection employed the questionnaire. The subjects were all fifth grade students of SD N
Percobaan 4 Wates with the total of 50 students. The data were analyzed by using
descriptive quantitative analysis as outlined in the form of percentage. From the research
results, it showed that the interest of the fifth grade students of SD N Percobaan 4 Wates in
the participation of rhythm activity learning was as follows: 10% (5 students) were in the
category of "very low", 18% (9 students) belonged to the category of "low", 36% (18
students) were in the category of "medium", 32% (16 students) belonged to the category of
"high", and 4% (2 students) were in the category of "very high".
Keywords: interest, rhythmic activity learning
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