Kurniani Oktaviani,


This  research  purposed  to  (1)  know the difference of listening news skill
significantly between student who get learning using  AIR (Auditory, Intellectually,
Repetition) model and student who get learning conventional method for eighth grade
students of SMPN 1 Minggir, (2)  to know the effectiveness of using AIR model in
listening news learning for eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minggir.  
This research  was  quantitative with  quasi experimental design.  Design
used in this research is experimental pretest-posttest control group. The population
in this  research was all of eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minggir. Technique
sample data used in this  research  was  simple random sampling.  Based on the
technique, class VIII D as the experiment group and class VIII E as the controlled
group. Technique of collecting data used  the news listening skills. The validity
used construct validity and content validity. The  construct validity was done by
expert judgment whereas content validity was done by Iteman computer program.
The reliability used Alpha Cronbach were counted by Iteman computer program.
The testing analyzed by SPSS 16.00 showed that the pretest and the posttest were
distributed normally and homogeneously. Then, the data analysis technique used
the t-test.
The results of t-test analysis of data posttest scores between the control
group and the experiment  group showed that tcost  greater than ttable  (3,282  >
1,998971) and p value was less than at significance level 0.05  (0.002 < 0,05). It
showed  there was  the difference of listening news skill significantly between student
who get learning using AIR (Auditory, Intellectually, Repetition) model and student
who get learning  conventional method  for  eighth grade students of  SMPN 1
Minggir.  The results of the t-test calculation pretest and posttest scores  the
experiment  group  showed  that tcost  greater than ttable  (3,228  >  2,039513)  and  p
value was less than at significance level 0.05 (0.003 < 0,05) whereas the results of
the t-test calculation pretest and posttest scores  the controlled group showed that
tcost  smaller  than ttable  (0,444  <  2,039513)  and  p  value  was  more  than at
significance level 0.05  (0,660 > 0,05).  It showed  that  learning listening news skill
using AIR model more effective than learning listening news skill using  conventional
method eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Minggir..

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