Yunia Yunia Tri Mawarni,


The purpose of this research  is  to improve  storytelling  skill using picture
card media  for  the students of class VII D SMP 2 Prambanan  Klaten. The
improvement can be seen from the process and the product.
The type of this research is the classroom action research (CAR). This
research was conducted in SMP 2 Prambanan Klaten. The subjects of this research
were the students of class VII D which consists of 23 students. The object of this
research  was  storytelling skill. This  research  was  done in two cycles which
consists of four stages each teaches,  that were planning, actions, observation and
reflection.  The data collection techniques used in this research  were
questionnaires, observation, interview, field note, documentation, and storytelling
skill test. The research instruments  used  in this research  were  questionnaires,
observation sheet, interview guidelines,  storytelling skill  test,  field  notes, and
students’ storytelling  skill assessment. The validity in this  research were process
validity, democratic validity, and the result validity. The reliability of this research
was presented through the original data  that consisted of  interview  transcription,
questionnaires and documentation, observation sheet, field notes, and storytelling
assessment.  The collected data were analyzed by qualitative research that  was
supported by quantitative data.  The  success  criteria  of the actions can be seen
from the improvement  in the process and the  product. These improvements are
shown from the quality of the learning process that  was reflected from the
students’ activeness, attention and concentration during  the lessons,  the students’
interest during the lesson, and the students’ braveness to tell stories in front of the
class. Increase product can be seen from the skills results score tells students.
The results of this research shown that the implementation of picture card
media can improve the students’  learning skill  process, it was proven  from the
improvement of the students’ attention and concentration,  the students’ braveness
and  the students’  interests.  The  product  improvement  can be seen from the
improvement  of  the students’  storytelling  average scores  from pre-action  until
cycle II. The  collected  average scores  in class when pre-action was  17,62, then
improved  to 20,56 at cycle I and  improved  again became 23,06 at cycle II. The
average score improvement from pre-action class until cycle II was 5,44.

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