Hiqmah Hiqmah Apriliyani,


The title of research is “The Effectiveness of Anticipation Guide Strategy
in Reading Learning Process Comprehension of Students Grade 7th
in SMP Negeri
2 Yogyakarta” has purposes for (1) to find out the difference of reading ability in
comprehension, which is significant between students obtaining  learning process
through Anticipation Guide strategy and those who gaining the learning process
through without Anticipation Guide strategy, (2) to examine the effectiveness of
Anticipation Guide strategy compared to conventional one in reading learning
process comprehension of students grade 7th
 in SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta.  
This research is conducted using quantitative approach, apparent
experimental method. Design of research  is pretest-posttest control group. There
are two variables in this research: unbounded variable, which is the Anticipation
Guide  strategy and bounded variable,  which is the ability in reading
comprehension. Populations in this research are the students grade 7th
  of SMP
Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. The determination of sample uses simple random sampling
technique, in which Class 7th
 D  has been choosen as the controller group and
Class 7th
 A as the experiment group. The data are collected using a test in the form
of multiple choices. The validities of the instrument usedare content validity and
construct  validity. Content validity is done by expert judgement, and construct
validity uses Iteman program. Reliability examination in this research uses Alpha
Cronbach formula in Iteman program. The prerequisite analysis test uses test of
normallity and tes of homogenity varians. The data analysis technique uses t-test
in SPSS version 20.0-computer program with significance of standard 5%.  
The research result shows that, firstly, there is a different ability of reading
comprehension, which is significant between students who gain learning using
Anticipation Guide  strategy and those who gaining the learning process through
without Anticipation Guide strategy. The difference is shown with t-test result in
which t is 7,004, df 66, and p value is 0,000 (0,000<0,05=significant). Secondly,
Anticipation Guide  strategy is effectively proved in reading learning process
comprehension for students grade 7th
 in SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta. This is shown
by experiment group t-test result in which t 9,629,  df  33, dan p is 0,000
(0,000<0,05=effective). In addition, the average gain score of experiment group is
higher than control group that is  4,41  for experiment group and and 0,94 for
control group.

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