Azwar Azwar Rizky Syafrudin,


This research aims to develop learning products using Adobe Flash CS5
media for learning to write fable text. Researcher selects Adobe Flash Pro CS5
because it allows to create a fun interactive learning media and is able to engage
the student  senses of seeing and hearing actively so that the material
comprehending process in the learning is more effective and maximal.  
The research procedure conducted refers to the research and development
procedure by Sugiyono simplified into five stages: (1)  the analysis phase; (2) the
planning phase; (3) the development phase; (4) the validation and testing phase;
and (5) the final product. At the data collection phase, the researcher conducts the
media experts, material experts, Indonesian teacher, and eighth grade students of
SMP Negeri 15 Yogyakarta validation through collecting the data in the form of
an evaluation questionnaire. The analysis conducted is through changing the
quantitative data into the qualitative data using scale conversion of 4.
The result of the research and development conducted is a learning
multimedia device in the form of a CD that contains an .exe, .swf and .html file
that has been assigned decent to use by media experts, material experts, and
Indonesian teachers as the learning source and teaching aids. The feasibility of the
learning media is in accordance with the validation result. Based on the material
expert validation, the evaluation of the learning competency aspect denotes an
average of 3,675 or 91,875% with a decent category. The aspect of the phasing of
learning denotes an average of 3.5 or 87.5% with a decent category. The aspect of
presentation media facility denotes an average of 3.25 or 81.25% with a decent
category. The aspect of media role on the student participation denotes an average
of 3.5 or 87.5% with a decent category. Additionally, based on the validation
performed by the media expert regarding the feasibility of the interface design
aspect denotes an average of 3.3 or 82.5% with a decent category. At the
operating phase denotes an average of 3.625 or 90.625% with a decent category.

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