Karina Heksari Karina,


The aim of this research is (1) to describe the use of book for teaching
writing skill to the second grade of senior high school, (2) to gain profound
understanding in order to develop the book for teaching writing skill based on
3W2H strategy to the second grade of senior high school, (3) to take into account
of validity of the book for teaching writing skill based on 3W2H strategy  that is
being developed.
This research and development is designed in reference to Borg and Gall’s
development model that was simplified into three steps, such as (1) research and
data collecting, (2) any design for establishing the targeted product, (3) product
development. The step for data collecting was conducted by way of interviewing
Bahasa Indonesia teacher. The developing processes included compiling steps,
validation test, students’ response, and  product accomplishment. The validation
test was conducted by an expert coped with related material and three Bahasa
Indonesia teachers. Students’ response was executed by thirty students of the
second grade of senior high school. The result of validation test and students’
response was obtained from valuation questionaire by using Likert scale.
The results of the research are as follows. Firstly, the textbook for teaching
Bahasa Indonesia used in senior high school is restricted. The textbook for
teaching writing skill has not been yet well organized to become integrated with
particural strategy.  Secondly,  book for teaching writing skill based on 3W2H  
strategy to the second grade of senior high school being developed consists of
three section, among others preface, content, and conclusion. The preface
comprises of cover, foreword, dan table of content. The content consists of five
writing units during one year study of the second grade of senior high school. The
conclusion comprises of glossary and bibliography. Thirdly, likewise the outcome
of the validity test conducted by  material expert, Bahasa Indonesia teachers, and
students’ response denotes that the aspect of content is reasonably scored about
3,89 with eligibility level of  77,93% and categorized as being “well-rated”; the
aspect of presentation is reasonably scored about 4,05 with eligibility level of
81% and classified as being “well-valued”; the aspect of language obtains the
averaged score of 4,09 with feasibility level of 81,8% and considered to be “well-
estimated”; and the graphical aspect of the book is considerably graded 4,05 and
regarded as being “well-designed”. Overally, the book that has been developed
obtains the averaged score of 4,02 with level of accuracy of 80,4% and
categorized as “well-accomplished” and declared eligible to be used in the
teaching learning process.
Key words: writing skill, development, textbook, 3W2H strategy.


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