Satria Prakasiwi Satria,


This research was aimed at describing the differences of writing abilifies
between students of grade X of SMA N 1 Lendah by using example non-example
strategy compared to those using conventional strategy. Also, it this study was
almed at describing the effectiveness of using example non-example strategy in
the teaching and learning of writing which was more effective compared to the
use of conventional strategy.
This study was categorized as quantitative quasi  -  experiment research
with pre-test and post-test design. There were two variables nambly independent
variable and dependent variable. Independent variable in this study was the
strategy of example non-example, while dependent variable was the students
ability in writing short stones. Cluster random sampling was then used to collect
the data. The population was the student of X-C and X-E class. The data
collection technique used in this study was as test of writing short stories. The
results of normality and homogenity test revealed that the data had a  normal
distribution. The results of homogenity tests showed that the data variation of this
study was homogenous. The data were then analyzed with the t-test teahnique.
Based on the t-test calculation, the score of post-test in the experimental
group and  the control group resulted the t-score of 4,616. With df 54 score, it
gained the p - score of 0,000. The p – score was less than 5% (p<0,05). The result
of the t-test showed that there was a significant difference of the student ability
between the experimental group who learned the process of short story writing
through the  example non-example strategy and the control group who used the
conventional strategy. The results of the t-test of the pre-test and post-test in
control group resulted the t – 11,767. With df 27, it gained p – score of 0,000. In
the experimental group, the t –  score of  -15,148 with df 27 resulted in p 0,000.
The two groups had smaller p –  score than the significany rate of 5% (p>0,05).
This meant that both groups underwent some improvements in the ability of short
story writing. The gain score showed that the amount of gain experiment was
0,32066797. The the gain control, on the otner hand, resulted in 0,23232816. This
revealed that the rate of gain experiment is higher than the control one. The results
of the preceding gain score revealed that the strategy of example non-example
was more effective to be applied in the teaching and learning process of short
story writing on the grade SMA N 1 Lendah.
Key words: research, example non-example, short story writing

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