
The objectives of this research are to describe the types of impoliteness strategies addressed to the main character, to explain the realizations of the impoliteness strategies addressed to the main character, and to describe the main character’s responses to the impoliteness strategies addressed to him in Paranorman movie. This research used mixed method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative method. The data were in the form of utterances spoken by the characters in Paranorman movie, while the contexts of the data were dialogues. The sources of this research were the script of the dialogues spoken by the characters in Paranorman movie and the video of the movie. The results of this research are described as follows. First, bald on record impoliteness becomes the most dominant type used by other characters. Meanwhile, withhold politeness does not exist in the other characters’ utterances. Second, each type of impoliteness strategy has its particular realization. Bald on record impoliteness is realized in the form of using direct, clear, and unambiguous statement. Positive impoliteness is expressed in the form of disassociating from the other, calling the other names, and utilizing taboo words. Negative impoliteness can be realized in the form of condescending, scorning, or ridiculing, and associating the other with a negative aspect explicitly. Meanwhile, sarcasm or mock politeness is only realized in the form of employing insincere politeness. Using direct, clear, and unambiguous statement becomes the highest realization. However, using inappropriate identity markers, invading the other’s space, being silent and failing to thank are not used by the other characters. Third, offensive countering becomes the most frequent choice of responses of impoliteness strategy used by the main character. To sum up, the responses of impolite acts are influenced by the way the face attacks are conveyed and the relationship between the persons doing the face attacks and the addressees.

 Kata Kunci

impoliteness, types, realizations, responses, Paranorman movie 

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