Erfan Erfiani


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas pelayanan Balai Perlindungan dan Rehabilitasi
Sosial Wanita (BPRSW) di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta beserta faktor penghambat dan pendukungnya.Penelitian
ini penting karena efektivitas pelayanan dapat mencerminkan keberhasilan pelayanan dalam menangani
suatu permasalahan di masyarakat.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode
deskriptif.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Perlindungan dan Rehabilitasi Sosial Wanita (BPRSW). Subjek
penelitian yaitu Kepala BPRSW, Kepala seksi pelayanan BPRSW, Pekerja Sosial, Instruktur ketrampilan dan
alumni klien BPRSW. Instrumen penelitian adalah peneliti sendiri, dengan dilengkapi pedoman wawancara dan
observasi.Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.Teknik pemeriksaan
keabsahan data yang digunakan yaitu triangulasi sumber.Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif dari
Milles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa efektivitas pelayanan BPRSW di Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta dilihat dari indikator pencapaian tujuan,integrasi dan adaptasi sudah efektif. Dibuktikan dengan
tercapainya tujuan dilihat dari kurun waktu pelayanan,sasaran yang telah ditetapkan dan dasar hukum, pelayanan di
BPRSW terintegrasi dengan baik dilihat dari prosedur dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan, dan BPRSW mampu
beradaptasi dengan baik dilihat dari peningkatan kemampuan dan sarana prasarana. Faktor penghambat adalah (1)perbedaan latar belakang masalah klien dan (2)masih rendahnya partisipasi masyakat sehingga kurang
terpenuhinya kuota target klien yang telah ditentukan BPRSW. Faktor pendukung adalah (1) kelengkapan sarana
prasarana dan kerja sama antar pegawai BPRSW yang baik.
Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Pelayanan sosial, Balai Perlindungan dan Rehabilitasi Sosial Wanita (BPRSW)

The purpose of this research was to describe the effectiveness of the service of the Protection and
Rehabilitation of Social Women (BPRSW)in the special region of Yogyakarta along with factors restricting and his
supporters.This research is important because the effectiveness of the service can reflect the success of the service
in handling a problem in the communityThis research was done in the Protection and Rehabilitation of Social
Women (BPRSW). The research subjects were the leader BPRSW,the leader of services section of BPRSW, Social
Worker, Skill Instructor and BPRSW client alumni. The research instrument was the researcher herself, assisted by
interview and observation sheet guidance.Data collecting technique used interview, observation and
documentation. The validity technique was triangulation sources. Data were analyzed using interactive model from
Milles and Huberman.The result of this research that the effectiveness of the service of the protection and
rehabilitation of social women (BPRSW)in the special region of Yogyakarta as seen from the indicators of
achievement of the objectives, integration and adaptation is already effective. Evidenced by the achievement of the
objectives viewed from the service period, the established targets and the legal basis, the services at BPRSW were
well integrated from the procedures and socialization undertaken, and the BPRSW was able to adapt well to the
improvement of capabilities and infrastructure. Restricting factors is the difference in background of client
problems and still low level of community participation, so that less satisfy client's quota set by the porch of the
Social Protection and rehabilitation of women, while supporting factor was the completeness of infrastructure and
cooperation between officers in the vestibule of the Protection and Rehabilitation of Social Women (BPRSW)in the
special region of Yogyakarta.
Keywords : effectiveness, social service, the Protection and Rehabilitation of Social Women (BPRSW)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/joppar.v2i2.8935


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