Husni Abdullah, Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia
J. Effendi Tanumihardja, Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh minat dan motivasi berwirausaha terhadap jiwa wirausaha siswa SMKN kelompok Teknologi Industri dan Pariwisata secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah expost facto. Data diambil dengan metode angket. Pengujian hipotesis dengan analisis regresi sederhana, analisis regresi ganda, yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji persyaratan analisis meliputi uji normalitas dan uji linearitas pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan minat berwirausaha terhadap karakter wirausaha siswa SMKN kelompok Teknologi Industri dan kelompok Pariwisata, SMKN kelompok Teknologi Industri dengan thitung > ttabel (4,852 > 1,672), koefisien determinan sebesar 28,9%. Sedangkan  SMKN kelompok Pariwisata mempunyai thitung > ttabel (4,942 > 1,672), koefisien determinan sebesar 29,6%. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan motivasi berwirausaha terhadap karakter wirausaha siswa SMKN kelompok Teknologi Industri dan kelompok Pariwisata, SMKN kelompok Teknologi Industri mempunyai thitung > ttabel  (6,946 > 1,672), koefisien determinan sebesar 45,4%. Sedangkan  SMKN kelompok Pariwisata mempunyai thitung > ttabel(8,321 > 1,672), koefisien determinan sebesar 54,4%. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan minat dan motivasi berwirausaha secara bersama-sama terhadap karakter wirausaha siswa SMKN kelompok Teknologi Industri dan kelompok Pariwisata, SMKN kelompok Teknologi Industri mempunyai Fhitung > Ftabel(24,911 > 3,16), koefisien determinan 46,6%Sedangkan  SMKN kelompok Pariwisata mempunyai Fhitung > Ftabel(34,663 > 3,16), koefisien determinan sebesar 54,9%.

This study aims at determining the effect of entrepreneurship interest and motivation on the entrepreneurial character for the students’ of Private Vocational High School of Industrial Technology and Tourism group, partially and simultaneously. This research is ex post facto. Data collection technique used was questionnaire. The hypothesis analyzed by simple regression and multiple regression, which previously performed analysis requirements test including normality tests and linearity test at significance level of 5%. The results show that there was a significant effect of the entrepreneurship interest on the entrepreneurial student’s character  in Private Vocational High School of  Industrial Technology and Tourism, The Private Vocational High School of  Industrial Technology group produced  tcount>ttable (4.852>1.672), the coefficient determinant of 28.9%. While the group Private Vocational High School of Tourism group had tcount>ttable (4.942>1.672), the coefficient determinant of 29.6%. There was a significant effect of the entrepreneurship motivation on the entrepreneurial character of Private Vocational High School of  Industrial Technology and Tourism group, the Private Vocational High School of  Industrial Technology group had tcount>t table (6.946>1.672), the coefficient determinant of 45.4%. While the Private Vocational High School of Tourism group had tcount>t table (8.321>1.672), while the coefficient determinant of 54.4%. There was a significant effect of interest and motivation in entrepreneurship simultaneously on the entrepreneurial character of students Private Vocational High School of  Industrial Technology and Tourism group, Private Vocational High School of  Industrial Technology group had Fcount>Ftable (24.911>3.16), the determinant coefficient of 46.6%. While the Private Vocational High School of Tourism had Fcount>Ftable (34.663>3.16), the coefficient determinant of 54.9%.


Minat Berwirausaha, Motivasi Berwirausaha, Karakter Wirausaha; Entrepreneurship Interest, Entrepreneurship Motivation, Entrepreneurial Character

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