Satrio Bahrian, Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Indonesia
Zainur Rofiq, Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui prestasi hasil belajar kewirausahaan, mengetahui, pengaruh faktor internal minat berwirausaha terhadap prestasi hasil belajar kewirausahaan, faktor eksternal minat berwirausaha terhadap prestasi hasil belajar kewirausahaan, pengaruh faktor internal dan eksternal minat berwirausaha terhadap prestasi hasil belajar kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode ex-post facto. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan meliputi uji analisis deskriptif, uji prasyarat analisis, uji hipotesis, dan uji regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: prestasi siswa sudah baik dengan rincian siswa yang mendapatkan nilai kategori sangat baik antara 81-100 sebanyak 57 siswa dengan prosentase 54,3%, dan nilai kategori baik antara 71-80 sebanyak 48 siswa dengan prosentase 45,7%, terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan faktor internal minat berwirausaha terhadap prestasi hasil belajar kewirausahaan sebesar 8,5%, terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan faktor eksternal minat berwirausaha terhadap prestasi hasil belajar  kewirausahaan sebesar 6,2%, terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan faktor internal dan faktor eksternal minat berwirausaha secara bersama-sama terhadap prestasi hasil belajar  kewirausahaan sebesar 14,7%.

The objectives of this study are to determine, the achievement lessons of entrepreneurship, the influence of internal factors toward achievement lessons of entrepreneurship, the influence of external factors toward achievement lessons of entrepreneurship, the influence of internal and external factors of entrepreneurial interest toward achievement lessons of entrepreneurship. This research uses a quantitative approach with ex-post facto methods. Data analysis techniques used include descriptive analysis tests, analysis prerequisite tests, hypothesis tests, and regression tests The results showed that: student achievement was good with the details of students who got excellent category scores between 81-100 as many as 57 students with a percentage of 54.3%, and good category scores between 71-80 as many as 48 students with a percentage of 45.7%, there is a positive and significant influence of internal factors of entrepreneurial interest toward achievement lessons of entrepreneurship by 8.5%, there is a positive and significant influence of external factors of entrepreneurial interest on the toward achievement lessons of entrepreneurship by 6.2%, there is a positive and significant influence of internal factors and external factors of interest in entrepreneurship together toward achievement lessons of entrepreneurship by 14.7%.


faktor internal dan eksternal, minat berwirausaha, hasil belajar, kewirausahaan; workforce knowledge, fieldwork practice experience, and work readiness

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