Mayko Bangkit Pamuji, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia
Arif Marwanto, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan prakerin, kesiapan siswa SMK Tunas Harapan Pati masuk dunia industri. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian expost-facto (expost facto reseach) pendekatan kuantitatif dengan populasi penelitian sebanyak 114 siswa kelas XII program studi Teknik Pengelasan, tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Sample yang digunakan sebanyak 76 responden. Sampling menggunakan teknik Propotinonal Random Sampling dengan metode Isaac dan Michael. Teknik analisis data yang di gunakan adalah Analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil dari penelitian ini dalam program Pie Chart Distribusi kecenderungan skor variabel praktek kerja industri siswa kelas XII program studi teknik pengelasan SMK Tunas Harapan Pati termasuk dalam kategori persentase tinggi. Dalam program Pie Chart Distribusi kecenderungan skor variabel kesiapan masuk dunia usaha dan industri termasuk dalam kategori persentase sedang. Hal ini berarti bahwa Prakerin berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesiapan kerja siswa kelas XII SMK Tunas Harapan Pati kelas XII program studi teknik pengelasan.

This study aims to determine the implementation of apprenticeship, the preparation student of SMK tunas harapan pati for industrial world. This type of the research was expost-facto research. The sample of this study was the class of twelve grade vocational school of welding techniques of SMK TUNAS HARAPAN PATI. Based on the data analysis of 114 students class of welding engineering in study programs, in academic year 2019/2020. The sample of this research was used 76 respondent. Taking samples using propotional random sampling technique with the Isaac Michael methods.The data analysis used simple regression analysis. The results of this study  In the Pie Chart Distribution program the variable score of the industrial work variable score of class XII students of welding techniques study in SMK Tunas Harapan Pati is included in the high percentage category. In the Pie Chart Distribution program the variable score for prepare to enter the business and industry is included in the medium percentage category. This means that Industrial Work Practices has a significant meaning to the prepare of class XII students of SMK Tunas Harapan Pati in class XII welding engineering study programs.


Industrial Work Practices, Readiness to enter the business and industrial world

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