Imam Mawardi, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia
Sutopo ., Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui: kesesuaian pembelajaran sistem blok terhadap Kurikulum 2013, kualitas pembelajaran sistem blok, hambatan-hambatan yang dialami oleh siswa. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan metode evaluasi CIPP. Objek penelitian adalah siswa di jurusan pemesinan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, observasi dan angket. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran sistem blok sudah sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 dengan rerata 70%. Kualitas pembelajaran sistem blok termasuk kategori baik dengan rerata 75,77% yang meliputi: latar belakang pendidikan guru di jurusan pemesinan dalam kategori sangat baik yaitu 87,5% sudah mendapat gelar sarjana, sarana dan prasarana termasuk kategori baik yaitu 78,57%, pelaksanaan pembelajaran sistem blok berdasarkan persepsi siswa termasuk kategori baik yaitu 75,74%, pencapaian hasil belajar siswa dalam kategori baik yaitu 75,21% tuntas. Hambatan yang dialami oleh siswa yang bersumber dari sistem, media, metode, pengajar dan siswa termasuk kategori kurang ada hambatan yaitu 22%.

The objectives of this study were to investigate: the suitability of the block system learning to the curriculum 2013, the quality of block system learningproblems experienced by the students. This study was categorized into descriptive quantitative, with the (CIPP) evaluation method. The objects of this study were the students in the machining department. The data collection techniques were documentation, observation and questionnaires administration. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the implementation of block system learning was in accordance with the 2013 curriculum with the mean scores of 70. The quality of block system learning includes good categories with an average of 75.77% which includes: the education background of machining majors in the category is very good, 87.5% have received a bachelor's degree, facilities and infrastructure in the good category of 78.57%, the implementation of block system learning based on student perceptions including good category is 75.74%, the achievement of student learning outcomes in the good category is 75.21% complete. The problems experienced by the students were resulted from the system, media, methods, instructors and students including the category of lack there are obstacles 22%.


Evaluasi, Pembelajaran, Sistem Blok; Evaluation, Learning, Block System

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/teknik%20mesin.v7i2.14948


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