Ignatius Geovani Rosantono, Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia
Tiwan ., Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin FT UNY, Indonesia


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Menerapakan bentuk model pembelajaran Project Based Learning, Meningkatkan kompetensi peserta didik pada mata diklat TGM sistem CAD dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning bagi peserta didik kelas XI program keahlian teknik pemesinan di SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengamatan, tes, serta dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Perencanaan proyek, penyampaian materi pembelajaran, pengorganisasian kelas, pertanyaan inti proyek, aturan pengerjaan proyek, pembuatan jadwal pennyelesaian proyek, monitoring pekerjaan dan kemajuan proyek, penilaian, evaluasi, pada siklus I tindakan I nilai kompetensi total kelas yaitu 78 dengan jumlah peserta didik yang lulus adalah 15 peserta didik. Pada siklus I (tindakan II) terjadi peningkatan kompetensi menjadi 18 peserta didik, siklus II (tindakan 1) menjadi 20 siswa yang telah mencapai nilai kompetensi, siklus II (tindakan II) yang telah mencapai nilai kompetensi sebanyak 25 siswa, siklus III (tindakan I) berjumlah 27 dan siklus III tindakan ke II adalah sebanyak 30 siswa yang telah mencapai nilai komptensi.

This research aims to is apply the form of Project-Based Learning is increase the students’ competency of TGM and CAD system by using Project Based Learning model for grade eleven students of machine engineering program in SMK N 3 Yogyakarta. The data gathering technique that used by the researcher were observation, competency project assessment and documentation. The data analysis technique that was used was qualitative descriptive. The results of this classroom action research were in the Project-Based Learning that was done were: project planning, learning material explanation, class management, main questions of the project, project processing rules, the schedule of finishing project, work and project progress monitoring, assessment, evaluation In the cycle 1 action 1, the competency scores of the whole class which were 78 with the total of the students that passed was 15 students. In cycle 1 (action 2), there was a competency progress become 18 students, cycle 2 (action 1) became 20 students that passed the competency score, cycle 2 (action 2) had became 25 students, cycle 3 (action 1) the total was 27 students and cycle 3 action 2 was 30 students that had passed the competency score. The total of the students in each cycle made a progress.


Metode pembelajaran, teknik gambar manufaktur, project-based learning; Learning method, manufacture drawing technique, Project-Based Learning

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