Ari Prayogo, , Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA) di SMK Ma’arif 1 Kebumen serta mengetahui tingkat kelayakan Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA) di SMK Ma’arif 1 Kebumen menggunakan standar ISO 9126 yang mencakup aspek functionality, usability, dan reliability. Metode yang digunakan adalah R&D (Research and Development) dan model pengembangan LSM (Linear Sequential Model). Model pengembangan LSM yaitu, analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem, implementasi, dan pengujian. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA) di SMK Ma’arif 1 Kebumen dibangun menggunakan framework Bootstrap. Sistem informasi ini mengacu pada kurikulum 2013 dengan fitur pengelolaan nilai siswa, jadwal pelajaran, absensi, materi atau tugas, dan diskusi antara guru dengan siswa; dan (2) hasil pengujian dalam uji kualitas perangkat lunak dinyatakan lolos berdasarkan ISO 9126 yaitu dalam aspek functionality 100% dapat berfungsi dengan benar dan diperoleh nilai 1 dengan kategori baik. Aspek usability, mean atau rata-rata usefulness 3,57 dari skala 1 sampai dengan 4 dan termasuk kategori sangat bermanfaat menurut guru dan 3,57 dengan kategori sangat bermanfaat menurut siswa, indikator ease of use menurut guru diperoleh mean 3,42 dengan kategori sangat mudah digunakan dan menurut siswa diperoleh mean 3,87 dengan kategori sangat mudah digunakan. Indikator ease of learning menurut guru diperoleh mean 3,15 dengan kategori mudah dipelajari dan menurut siswa diperoleh mean 3,65 dengan kategori sangat mudah dipelajari. Indikator satisfaction menurut guru diperoleh mean 3,50 dengan kategori sangat memuaskan dan menurut siswa diperoleh mean 3,37 dengan kategori sangat memuaskan. Aspek reliability diperoleh nilai 99,95% dan termasuk kategori handal.

Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA), functionality, usability, reliability



The aims of this research are to develop the design of Academic Information System (SIA) in SMK Ma’arif 1 Kebumen and to measure the feasibilty level of Academic Information Systems (SIA) in SMK Ma'arif 1 Kebumen using ISO 9126 standard consist of functionality, usability, and reliability. The method of this research are Research and Development (R&D) and Linear Sequential Model (LSM) development model. LSM development model are need analiysis, system design, implementation (coding), and testing. The results of this research are (1) Academic Information System (SIA) in SMK Ma'arif 1 Kebumen was developed using Bootstrap framework. This information system refers to curriculum 2013, with features of managing student report, timetables, attendance, materials or tasks, and discussions between teachers and students; and (2) The testing result of software-quality is qualified based on ISO 9126 which the functionality aspect can be 100% functional and get score of 1 as the mark in good categories. The usability aspects, mean of usefulness by teachers get score of 3.57 in scale of 1 to 4 and including very useful categories and by students get score of 3.57 included very helpful categories. The indicator of ease of use by teachers get score of 3.42 with very easy to use categories and by students get score of 3.87 with the very easy to use categories. The indicators of ease of learning by teachers get score of 3.15 included easy to learn categories and by students get score of 3.65 included very easy to learn categories. The indicators of satisfaction by teachers get score of 3.50 included very satisfaction and by students get score of 3.37 that included very satisfaction. The aspects of reliability get the value of 99.95% with reliable categories.


Keywords:  Academic Information System (SIA), functionality, usability, reliability

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