Nouval Arief, , Indonesia




This study was aimed to find out: (1) the school and the OKU Regency’s potency to the fulfillment of the national standard of graduates’ competency of Vocational Secondary Schools (VSS) of the Study Program of Computer and Network Engineering, including: (a) human resources at schools,(b) education facilities at schools, (c) the society in regency of OKU, (d) the facilities in regency of OKU. (2) the fulfillment of the national standard of graduates’ competency of VSS of the Study Program of Computer and Network Engineering in regency of OKU, based on: (a) affective, (b) cognitive (c) psychomotor aspects. This study was the policy research, the research’s subjects consist of principals, the vice principals of curriculum affair, the vice principals of public relations affair, the vice principals of  schools’ facilities affair, the head of the Study Program of Computer and Network Engineering as many as 30 people of six VSSs in regency of OKU. The data were collected by questionnaires, interview and documentation. Data were analyzed by descriptive method. Based on the result, it shows that: (1) the school and the OKU Regency’s potency to the fulfillment of the national standard of graduates’ competency of VSS of the Study Program of Computer and Network Engineering, including: (a) the potency schools’ of human resources was categorized well prepared by percentage of 66,67%, (b) the potency schools’ of education facilities was categorized well prepared by percentage of 66,67%, (c) the potency societies in regency of OKU was categorized prepared by percentage of 66,67%, (d) the potency facilities in regency of OKU was categorized  prepared by percentage of 66,67%. (2) the fulfillment of the national standard of graduates’ competency of VSS of the Study Program of Computer and Network Engineering in regency of OKU, based on: (a) the fulfillment of the national standard of graduates’ competency based on affective aspect was categorized well prepared  by  percentage of 50%, (b) the fulfillment of the national standard of graduates’ competency based on cognitive aspect was categorized well prepared  by percentage of 50%, (c) the fulfillment of the national standard of graduates’ competency based on psychomotor aspect was categorized well prepared with the percentage of 50%.


Keywords: human resources, facilities education, the society in Regency of OKU, graduates competency standard, the national standard of graduates’ competency, Vocational Secondary Schools.




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) potensi sekolah dan potensi Kabupaten OKU terhadap pemenuhan standar kompetensi lulusan SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan, sebagai berikut. (a) sumber daya manusia di sekolah, (b) fasilitas pendidikan di sekolah, (c) masyarakat di Kabupaten OKU. (d) fasilitas di Kabupaten OKU. (2) pemenuhan standar kompetensi lulusan SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan se Kabupaten OKU, berdasarkan aspek: (a) afektif, (b) kognitif, (c) psikomotor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kebijakan. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala bidang kurikulum, wakil kepala bidang humas, wakil kepala bidang sarana dan prasarana, Ketua Program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan, dari 6 SMK se Kabupaten OKU dengan jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak 30 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: (1) potensi sekolah dan Kabupaten OKU terhadap pemenuhan standar kompetensi lulusan SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan se Kabupaten OKU, sebagai berikut. (a) potensi sumber daya manusia di sekolah termasuk kategori sangat siap dengan persentase 66,67%, (b) potensi fasilitas pendidikan termasuk kategori sangat siap dengan persentase 66,67%, (c) potensi masyarakat di Kabupaten termasuk kategori siap dengan persentase 66,67%. (d) potensi fasilitas di Kabupaten OKU termasuk kategori siap dengan persentase 66,67%. (2) pemenuhan standar kompetensi lulusan SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan se Kabupaten OKU, sebagai berikut. (a) pemenuhan SKL aspek afektif termasuk kategori sangat siap dengan persentase 50%, (b) pemenuhan SKL aspek kognitif termasuk kategori sangat siap dengan persentase 50%, (c) pemenuhan SKL aspek kognitif termasuk kategori sangat siap dengan persentase 50%.


Kata kunci: SDM, fasilitas pendidikan, masyarakat Kabupaten OKU, SKL, SMK.

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