Pembelajaran praktik mikrokontroller di SMK N 2 Depok masih menggunakan media lama dan monoton. Sehingga dilakukan penelitian dengantujuan mengetahui unjuk kerja media pembelajaran inovatif dan mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran inovatif. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian research and development dengan konsep ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) dan The Linier Sequence Model. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket untuk memperoleh data kelayakan media. Pengujian kelayakan media dilakukan oleh ahli materi, ahli media, dan pengguna. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi Android mampu menyalakan Bluetooth pada ponsel, terhubung dengan HC-05, mengirim data tombol, data slidebar(0-255), dan data teks. Sedangkan perangkat keras mikrokontroller mampu menerima data aplikasi Android melalui module HC-05 danmengendalikan module outputsesuai data dari aplikasi Android. Hasil validasi materi mendapatkanskor 91,88%, hasil validasi media mendapatkan skor 80,24%, dan hasil uji pengguna mendapatkan skor 82.31%.
Kata kunci: media pembelajaran inovatif, Mikrokontroller, Android
The Instructional of microcontrollers in SMK N 2 Depok used anout of date and conventional media. Therefore a research with the purpose to determine the performance of innovative instructional media and determine feasibility of innovative instructional media has been done.This is a research and development which approached byADDIE(Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) andThe Linier Sequence Model. The research instrument is a questionnaire to obtain data on media feasibility. The product feasibility test was conducted bythe experts of materials, media, andthe users. The data analysis techniquesusing descriptive analysis.The results of this researchwere Android application enable to activate Bluetooth on smartphone, to pair with HC-05, and to send various 8-bit data (in the form of buttons, sidebars, and text). Whereas microcontroller hardware could receive data from Android application through HC-05 module and controlling the output (LED, LCD, and DC motor) module according to the received data from Android application.The validation result from the expert of materials got 91,88% score, the validation result from the expert of media got 80,24% score, andthe result of users testing got 82,31% score.
Keywords: innovative instructional media, Microcontroller, Android
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