Ema Putri Istriati, , Indonesia



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui kualifikasi akademik guru; (2) mengetahui persepsi guru mengenai pemahaman peraturan profesionalitas guru; (3) mengetahui persepsi profesionalitas guru ditinjau dari kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, kompetensi profesional, dan kompetensi kejuruan. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian survei. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kualifikasi akademik guru, 100% telah memenuhi pendidikan minimum D-IV/S-1, 21,74% telah sertifikasi pendidik, dan 39,13% telah sertifikasi kompetensi keahlian; (2) 56,52% guru memersepsikan pemahaman peraturan profesionalitas guru termasuk baik; (3) persepsi profesionalitas guru ditinjau dari kompetensi pedagogik, yaitu 47,83% guru termasuk baik, sedangkan 38,15% peserta didik termasuk cukup baik; (4) persepsi profesionalitas guru ditinjau dari kompetensi kepribadian, yaitu 78,26% guru termasuk sangat baik; sedangkan 36,55% peserta didik termasuk baik; (5) persepsi profesionalitas guru ditinjau dari kompetensi sosial, yaitu 43,48% guru termasuk sangat baik; sedangkan 34,14% peserta didik termasuk cukup baik; (6) persepsi profesionalitas guru ditinjau dari kompetensi profesional, yaitu 52,17% guru termasuk baik; sedangkan 33,33% peserta didik termasuk baik; dan (7) persepsi profesionalitas guru ditinjau dari kompetensi kejuruan, yaitu 47,83% guru termasuk sangat baik; sedangkan 37,35% peserta didik termasuk baik.

Kata kunci: persepsi, profesionalitas guru, kompetensi guru.



The purposes of this research are: (1) to find out the teachers’ academic qualification; (2) to find out the teachers’ perception about understanding towards teacher professionalism regulation; (3) to find out the teacher’s professionalism perception based on pedagogical competence, personality competence, social competence, professional competence, and vocational competence. This research uses survey methodology. The data collection used questionnaire and interview. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis method. The result of the research shows that: (1) teacher’s academic qualification, 100% have met the minimum education of Diploma/Bachelor degree, 21,74%  have teacher certification, and 29,13% have expertise competence certification; (2) 56,52% of teachers has good understanding towards the teacher’s professionalism regulation; (3) teacher’s professionalism perception based on the pedagogical competence show that 47,83% of teachers is in good, while 38,15% of students are in fair; (4) teacher’s professionalism perception based on the personality competenc show that 78,26% of students are in very good, while 36,55% of students are in good; (5) teacher’s professionalism perception based on social competence show that 43,48% of teachers is in very good, while 34,14% of students are in fair; (6) teacher’s professionalism perception based on professional competence show that 52,17% of teachers are in good, while 33,33% of students are in good; and (7) teacher’s professionalism perception based on vocational competence show that 47,83% of teachers are in very good, while 37,35% of students are in good.


Keywords:  perception, teacher’s professionalism, teacher’s competence.

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