Agus Setiawan, Herlambang Sigit Pramono,, , Indonesia



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan rancang bangun, unjuk kerja, dan kelayakan pengembangan media pembelajaran mikrokontroler antarmuka I2C. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (reaserch and development). Model pengembangan menggunakan ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI Program Keahlian Teknik Elektronika Industri SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih. Responden penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas XI dengan jumlah 30 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan skala likert 4 pilihan. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) media pembelajaran mikrokontroler antarmuka I2C terdiri dari: (a) trainer mikrokontroler antarmuka I2C; (b) modul pemrograman mikrokontroler antarmuka I2C; dan (c) jobsheet pemrograman mikrokontroler antarmuka I2C. Trainer menggunakan komunikasi I2C dengan kemampuan: (a) mengakses output LED; (b) mengakses input saklar; (c) mengakses seven segment; (3) mengakses real time clock; dan (e) mengakses sensor kompas. (2) hasil pengujian ujuk kerja menunjukan bahwa setiap modul pada trainer dapat bekerja dengan baik. Sensor kompas dapat membaca arah mata angin dengan rata-rata kesalahan pengukuran sebesar 1,77%; (3) tingkat kelayakan media pembelajaran mikrokontroler antarmuka I2C ditinjau dari: (a) ahli media memperoleh presentase 96,9% dengan kategori “sangat layak”; (b) ahli materi memperoleh presentase 84,9% dengan kategori “layak”; (c) guru (first user) memperoleh presentase 96,3% dengan kategori “sangat layak”; (d) peserta didik (end user) memperoleh presentase 88,7% dengan kategori “sangat layak”.

Kata kunci: : mikrokontroler, antarmuka I2C, media pembelajaran







This study aims to describe the design, performance, and feasibility of learning media development of I2C interface microcontroller. This research is a research and development. The development model uses ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, Evaluate). The subjects of this study are students of XI class of Industrial Electronics Engineering Study Program of SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih. The respondents were students of XI class with 30 people. Data collection using questionnaire with 4 likert scale options. Data analysis using descriptive analysis technique. The results showed that: (1) instructional media of I2C interface microcontroller consist of: (a) I2C interface microcontroller trainer; (b) I2C interface microcontroller programming module; and (c) the programming workheet of the I2C interface microcontroller. Trainers use I2C communications with the ability to: (a) access LED output; (b) access the input switch; (c) accessing seven segments; (3) access real time clock; and (e) accessing the compass sensor. (2) the test results show that each work module on the trainer can work well. The compass sensor can read the direction of the wind with an average measurement error of 1.77%; (3) the feasibility level of learning media of I2C interface microcontroller is reviewed from: (a) media expert get percentage 96.9% with category "very feasible"; (b) the material expert obtained an percentage 84.9% under the category " feasible"; (c) teachers (first user) get percentage 96.3% with the category " very feasible "; (d) learners (end users) get percentage 88.7% with the category " very feasible ".


Keywords: microcontroller, I2C interface, learning media

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