Heri Retnawati, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja guru SMA Swasta di Kabupaten Sukoharjo dilihat dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penilaian pembelajaran, mengetahui masing-masing pengaruh imbalan, lingkungan kerja, dan sarana prasarana terhadap kinerja guru, dan mengetahui pengaruh imbalan, lingkungan kerja, dan sarana prasarana secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain ex post facto. Populasi penelitian ini adalah guru SMA Swasta di Kabupaten Sukoharjo dengan jumlah guru 419 orang, dan ukuran sampel sejumlah 31 orang. Data yang terkumpul menunjukkan bahwa kinerja guru dalam perencanaan pembelajaran dikategorikan sangat tinggi, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dikategorikan tinggi, dan penilaian pembelajaran dikategorikan tinggi. Terdapat pengaruhyang signifikan imbalan dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja guru. Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan sarana prasarana terhadap kinerja guru. Imbalan, lingkungan kerja, dan sarana prasarana secara bersama-sama tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja guru.
Kata kunci:kinerja guru, imbalan, lingkungan kerja, dan sarana prasaranaAN EVALUATION OF THE PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE AND THE FACTORS INFLUENCING IT
The purpose of this research to know the performance of the private high school teachers in Sukoharjo regency which is investigated from the planning, the implementation, and the learning assessment, understanding their respective influence of the incentive, work environment, and infrastructure on the performance of teachers, and getting to know the influence of incentive, work environment, and infrastructure jointly on the performance of teachers. This study approach is quantitative with the ex post facto design. The population of this study is the private high school teachers in Sukoharjo regency with the total number of teachers 419 people, and the sample size amounting of 31 people. The data collected show that for learning plan is categorized very high, presentation of the learning implementation is categorized high, and learning assesstment is also categorized high.There is a positive and significant influence of incentive for the performance. There is significant influence of work environment on the performance. There is no significant influence of infrastructure on the performance. Incentive, work environment, and infrastructure together have no significant influence on the performance.
Keyword: a teacher performance, incentive, work environment, and infrastructure
Kata kunci:kinerja guru, imbalan, lingkungan kerja, dan sarana prasaranaAN EVALUATION OF THE PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE AND THE FACTORS INFLUENCING IT
The purpose of this research to know the performance of the private high school teachers in Sukoharjo regency which is investigated from the planning, the implementation, and the learning assessment, understanding their respective influence of the incentive, work environment, and infrastructure on the performance of teachers, and getting to know the influence of incentive, work environment, and infrastructure jointly on the performance of teachers. This study approach is quantitative with the ex post facto design. The population of this study is the private high school teachers in Sukoharjo regency with the total number of teachers 419 people, and the sample size amounting of 31 people. The data collected show that for learning plan is categorized very high, presentation of the learning implementation is categorized high, and learning assesstment is also categorized high.There is a positive and significant influence of incentive for the performance. There is significant influence of work environment on the performance. There is no significant influence of infrastructure on the performance. Incentive, work environment, and infrastructure together have no significant influence on the performance.
Keyword: a teacher performance, incentive, work environment, and infrastructure
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e-ISSN: 2443-1958

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