Implementation Of Child Friendly City Policy On Fulfilling Children's Rights In Special Protection Clusters In Sleman Regency
Marita Ahdiyana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This research aims to describe the implementation of the Child-Friendly Regency policy in order to fulfill children's rights in the special protection cluster in Sleman Regency along with supporting and inhibiting factors. This study is important to do because there are still many violations of children's rights in the special protection cluster that occur in Sleman Regency. This study uses a descriptive research type with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in this study are interviews, observations, and documentation. Primary data was obtained through interviews and observations with informants. Secondary data was obtained through reports, guidebooks, literature studies, profiles, and documentation. In ensuring the validity of the data, the researcher used the source triangulation technique. Meanwhile, the stages of data analysis in this study are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Child-Friendly Regency policy in fulfilling children's rights in the Special Protection cluster in Sleman Regency has gone well. Communication has been carried out clearly and consistently through communication forums, socialization, and social media. Resources are well met including human resources, budget, and facilities. The attitude of the implementing bureaucracy or disposition also runs well with the commitment and support in the implementation of the Child-Friendly District Policy in the special protection cluster. The bureaucratic structure is good with a clear division of tasks, authority, and SOP guidelines. The supporting factors are good communication, a clear legal umbrella, a forum for child participation, and government commitment and support. The inhibiting factors are the lack of expert personnel, infrastructure such as protection cars and safe houses, and sectoral egos.Full Text:
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