Analysis of The Quality of E-Government Services Tangerang LIVE Using The E-Govqual Method in Tangerang City

Fabia Putri Insaninda, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Argo Pambudi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Tangerang LIVE application is a public service application launched by the Tangerang Communication and Informatics (Diskominfo) to help people get services in just one application. This study aims to determine the effect of Tangerang LIVE application service quality on user satisfaction and the resulting achievements using the e-govqual method. This research is a descriptive quantitative. Sampling in this study by purposive sampling with100 respondents. The analysis carried out is multiple linear regression analysis with using the t test. The results of the research on the quality of e-government services using the e-govqual method of Tangerang LIVE application are in “Good” category with an average value of 4.20. The results of multiple regression analysis Y=-1.182+0.103+0.109+0.014+(-0.002). The result of the calculation of the coefficient of determination is 50.1%. While the remaining 49.9% is influenced by other variables. Partial hypothesis shows that Efficiency and Trust have an effect, while Reliability and Citizen Support have no effect on user satisfaction. The results of this study indicate that it must be improved on the optimized application structure, provide confidence and trust to users regarding personal data, and improve the government's ability to answer user complaints.

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