The Innovation Civil Registration Service Sigap Pa Kemat at the Tugal City Population and Civil Registration Office

Dhiyaa Vibian Ashar, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kurnia Nur Fitriana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The study's goals are to explain how the Sigap Pa Kemat population administration service innovation was put into place in the Tegal City Dukcapil Office and to find the factors that helped and hindered the implementation of the Sigap Pa Kemat population administration service innovation in the Tegal City Dukcapil Office. This research design uses a qualitative research type with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used by researchers are observation, interviews, and documentation The results of this research show that the Sigap Pa Kemat population administration service innovation at the Tegal City Dukcapil Department is able to facilitate the process of making death documents from the family concerned to the Tegal City Dukcapil Disukcapil for processing through the Population Administration Information System (SIAK).. Sigap Pa Kemat's innovation has also synchronized death data in the field with data held by the Tegal City Population and Civil Registration Department. From the results of this research, supporting factors were found, namely technological developments and cooperation between stakeholders. Meanwhile, a lack of budget for implementing innovation, no KTP forms available, and problems or system errors are inhibiting factors.

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