Rizqi Amalia, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research has three purposes: 1) to describe the women figure life in the novel Kembang Alang-alang by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi, 2) to describe equal partnership figure of women with men in the novel Kembang Alang-alang by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi, 3) to describe the perspective of the author about women in the novel Kembang Alang-alang by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi.

This was descriptive qualitative study which used the theory of feminist literary criticism which gave more priority to radical feminist literary criticism. Source of data used is novel Kembang Alang-alang by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi. The data in this research is a piece of the story. To collect data in this research is used reading and writing techniques. Data were analyzed by using the theory of radical feminist literary criticism. Validity is used semantic validity, while reliability is used intrarater reliability.

The first research results are the women figure life in the novel Kembang Alang-alang by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi was described by two types of personality that is physical and psychological that explained on twenty three women figures, but not all types of that personality were explained on all of figures. The second results are discussed equal partnership figure of women with men in the novel Kembang Alang-alang by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi. The discussion produced three kinds of equal partnership between women with male figures. The three kinds there are women who are dominated by men, women are equal with men, and women dominated against men. That equal partnership is not all describe by the twenty three women figures. The third or the last results are the perspectif of the author about women in the novel Kembang Alang-alang by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi. There were twenty five perspectives of the author have found.

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