Garindra Wiku Wardana, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research aims to discuss the lexical meaning of the names banana and basic naming of the banana. This research belong descriptive research. This research took place in Kebun Plasma Nutfah Pisang Yogyakarta at Malangan, Giwangan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. Source data obtained by interviewing its staff members. All data obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation. How to collect data by observation, interview, and documentation. Research instrument is own researcher assisted by data card. Method of validating data is by validity semantics DNA triangulation data sources. Research result found 37 names of banana, the name of banana can known its lexical meaning. They are 4 basic naming of banana, i.e.  imitating sounds, the characteristics or the nature of the visible, place of origin, and similarities. Basic naming based on imitating the sound i.e. the pisang Kluthuk, based on the characteristics or the nature of the visible i.e. pisang Ambon Byok, Ambon Putih, Ambon Sepet, Byar, Kepok Ijo, Kepok Kuning, Kepok Putih, Pipit, Raja Bagus, Raja Pulut, Raja Santen, Raja Sewu, Raja Uter, and Sangga Buwana. Based on place similarities i.e. the origin are banana of the banana Agung Semeru, Australi, Raja Bandung, Raja Bali, and Sitong. Based on similarities i.e. banana Ambon Emprit, Ambon Jaran, Ambon Lumut, Cebol, Emas, Gadhing, Gendruwo, Jambe, Kates, Kepok Asem, Kepok Awu, Kepok Grandhel, Kepok Sapit, Kepok Urang, Raja Nangka, Raja Puser, and Raja Susu.

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