Yandhika Haribowo, Pogram Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta., Indonesia


This research aims to (1) explain the history of carnival culture Imogiri (2) explain the process of carnival culture (3) explain the symbolic meaning of carnival culture in Imogiri (4) explain the benefits of the carnival culture to the community. This is a qualitative research, observation and participation, interview and documentation are used to collect the data. Researcher act as the main instrument, notes and documentation act as the supporting instrument. Inductive analysis is used to analyze the data, source triangulation and method triangulation are used to validate the data. Results: (1) the beginning of carnival culture traditional ceremony is to remember one of the kings in Java named Kanjeng Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma (2) the participant of the carnival culture Imogiri will have to: (a)
Those who participated in carnival culture must gather in the village square Nggarjaya (b) the next is to take siwur in juru kunci’s place (c) the siwur  brought to the new terminal located in front of the tombs of kings Imogiri (d) before proceeding drained enceh traditional ceremony at the tomb of the kings, need to do some rituals, for example, tirakatan, and asked permission to pray at the tombs of the kings Imogiri (e) do a traditional ceremony that is nguras enceh and ngisi enceh, (f) enceh waters that are distributed to visitors of the tomb, (g) water from enceh believed to have karomah and can grant the wishes of those who drink or wash her face with water from enceh.


Keywords: carnival culture, the tombs of the kings Imogiri, nguras enceh


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