Retno Wulandari, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


The purpose of this study to describe the moral values in Java shalawat group Shalawatan in the village Bangunjiwo, district Kasihan, Bantul regency. It is discussed in this study about moral values, of which describes a form of moral values, kind of moral values, and how to submission moral values.

This research was descriptive so using descriptive research method. The data presented in this study intangible words, phrases, lines, distich, and the context in shalawat Java. Data collected by reading and taking notes. In addition, data collection techniques also by interview to the informant.

Data already divided then written into the data card according to a form of moral values, kind of moral values, and the submission of moral values in Java blessings. Discussion of data is done in a descriptive way, namely: reading and data reduction, categorization, data display, and interpretation. How validation data using semantic validity and reliability as well as reliability intrarater and interater.

The research found 22 form moral values contained in shalawat Java, namely: worship with sincerity, doing the God's command, always grateful, believe that God is only one, worshiping at the mosque, faith in angels, God is the creator while the creature is a creation, ask for help God, God is merciful, God's power in the world and the hereafter, the faith of the pillars of faith, the prophet Muhammad the last prophet, prayers perfectly, God will give favor the servants who always worship, believe in the afterlife, faith in the Prophet, read shalawat to God and the Prophet, always mutual help to each other, always acknowledged the error and apologized, human destiny is certain, should be careful, and conscientious. The kind of moral values in Java shalawat there are three, namely: human’s relationship with God, human's relationship with another human, and human's relationship with himself. The submission of moral values in Java shalawat all delivered in a straightforward manner.


Pamijining tembung: values, Javanese solawat

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