Yeni Rahayuningsih, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


This research contains six research purposes. The purposes of this research are about to: (1) explain the description of RM text, (2) makes the transliteration of Java script from RM text, (3) makes transliteration of Latin script from RM text, (4) makes an editing from RM text, (5) makes text RM translation, (6) explain the science of menstruation in the RM text.

This research uses modern philological research methods and descriptive research methods. Modern philological research method used to examine a text entitled Risalatul Maḥidh. While the descriptive method used to describe RM text objectively. Source of the research data is the text of a private collection from Safitri Lestari (NIM 12205241063, students of Department of Region Language Education of Yogyakarta State University). Data collecting technique is using the steps of philological research, namely the description of the manuscript, text transliteration into Javanese and Latin script, text editing by making apparatus of criticism, and the text translation. Data analysis technique is using descriptive analysis method. This research is using semantic validity. This research is also using intraratter and interrater reliability.

The results of this research described in six chapters. First, explain the description of the RM text is still in good condition, the writing is clear and also can be easily to read. Second, create a transliterated text into Javanese script by changing the Arabic script writing Pegon into Javanese originally (according to the text) and adapted to the pronunciation. Third, make a transliterated text into the Latin text by changing Pegon writing Arabic text with Latin text. Fourth, make a standard edition of text editing, while all that changed in the editing are described into apparatus criticism. Fifth, there are six words written of the translation results in the translation notes. Sixth, the contents of the text explains the 10 chapters, there are (1) The origin of menstruation, (2) a lesson God gave menstruation in women, (3) a description of menstruation and animals that secrete menstrual blood, (4) the beginning of women bleed menstruation, (5) problems when women are in their period, (6) when the discharge of menstrual blood and when it is pure, (7) how to notice when the menstrual blood come out and stop, (8) types of menstrual blood, (9) things that can be done by women when menstruating, (10) how to replace the pray for women who are menstruating.


Keywords: philology study, the science of menstruation, Risalah Mahidh

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