Siti Sawilah, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


This research contains six research purposes. The purposes of this research are about to: (1) explain the desciption of manuscript and Layang Sasmitå Titikå (LST) text, (2) makes a transcription of LST text, (3) makes a transliteration of LST text, (4) makes an editing of LST text, (5) makes a translation of LST text, and (6) explains content analysis of LST text with analytical science of sign.

            This research uses modern philological research methods and descriptive research methods. The modern philological research method used to research the text is entitled Layang Sasmitå Titikå. While the descriptive method used to describe LST text objectively. The Source of the research data is the collection of Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum Library. The method in collecting data using the steps of filological research are description of the manuscript and text, transcription text, transliteration text, text editing by making apparatus of criticism, translation text, then content analysis that related to science of sign. This data is then analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. This research is using semantic validity, because this data about words and sentences. This research is using intraratter and interrater reliability.

The results of this research described in six chapters. First, the LST manuscript is in a good condition, the writing is clear and easily to read. Second, the diplomatic transcription was copied from Javanese script into the same script which totals 14 pages. Third, the standard transliteration changed the Javanese script into Latin script according to basic spelling. Fourth, the standard editing found 4 edited words, while all that changed were described into apparatus criticism. Fifth, there are six words written of the translation results in the translation notes. Sixth, the contents of the text explains the 10 chapters, there are (1) the sign of becoming comfortable, (2) the sign of becoming uncomfortable, (3) the sign that they can achieve their wish, (4) the sign that they can’t achieve their wish, (5) the sign of becoming happy, (6) the sign of becoming sad, (7) the sign of finding luck, (8) the sign of finding misfortune, (9) the sign of long life, (10) the sign of short life.


Keywords: philology study, the science of sign, Layang Sasmitå Titikå

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