Mohamad Wahyu Hidayat, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


This study aims to apply a philological study to the manusript object Serat Suluk Warni-warni. Philological studies that has been done includes: manuscript inventaritation, explain the description of  Serat Suluk Warni-warni manuscript, making transliteration, editing, and translation of Serat Suluk Warni-warni manuscript content. Beside that, the purpose of this study is also to explain the science of true life that contained in Serat Suluk Warni-warni. The method that used in this research is descriptive research method that is aligned with philological research methods. The results from these studies explains five chapters. First, the manusript description of Serat Suluk Warni-warni still pretty good, intact, and the form of character-writing is still clear to read. Second,with using standard transliteration, text of Serat Suluk Warni-warni initially Java script written converted into Latin script based of spelling that still in common use. Third, using standard edition of text editing, 14 edited words found in the text of Serat Suluk Warni-warni. Then all changes within text editing is described in the criticism apparatus. Fourth, the text translation results  that written using Indonesian language performed with using a translation method of literal, content, and free. All these methods done according to contextual translation. Then the words that cannot be translated, further described in translation note. Fifth, the contents of the text Serat Suluk Warni-warni explain five science of true life,there are (1) seeking for life science, (2) the concerned behavior, (3) worship to God, (4) achieve highest knowledge  as a manifestation of the union of the servant with God, and last (5) the science of death.


Keywords: philological study, science of true life, Serat Suluk Warni-warni

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