Nugrah Tri Hatmoko, Prodi Pend. Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


This research was aimed to describe the types of greeting in the Java language and anything that affected the use of the Java language greeting in the novel Kinanti by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi. The use of greeting in the novel Kinanti by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi can be used as an example of the application of the Java language greeting in daily life.

The type of this research was a descriptive research. The data of this research were the greeting words of the Java language in the novel Kinanti by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi. The source of the data used the conversation in the novel Kinanti by Margareth Widhy Pratiwi. The tool or device used in this research was a table of data analysis and supported by the data card. The data were collected by means of reading and writing. The data were analyzed by the descriptive analysis technique and sociolinguistic approaches to the SPEAKING theory by Dell Hymes. The validity of the data was certified by using (triangulation theory) and reliability (intrarater lan interater).

     The results of this research were: (1) The types of greeting, namely: (a) the greeting of a person's name, (b) the kinship, (c) the title of nobility, (d) the degree of education, (e) the position or the profession, (f) the perpetrator of act, ( g) the metaphorically, (h) personal pronoun, (i) the religious words, and (k) the transpositional adjective. (2) the chapter that affect the use of greeting, there were: (a) the place and situation, (b) the relationship between speaker and listener, (c) the purpose of the conversation, (d) the sentence used, (e) manner, tone and behavior when speak or talk, (f) the tool used to describe the conversation, (g) norms and decency in the conversation, and (h) the type of discourse used. 

Keywords: greeting,Java language, novel Kinanti

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