Happy Januar Rosemarlina, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia



The aim of research is explaining the social deixis form and the factors which are caused social  deixis utilizing in Sala Lelimengan novel by Suparto Brata. The social deixis utilizing in Sala Lelimengan novel shows the social classes between speaker  and  hearer.  The  research  in  descriptive  research.  Data  research  is lingual unit. Lingual unit in this reaserch are word and phrase.





Source of the data come from Sala Lelimengan  novel by Suparto Brata. Gathering data process is done by reading and recording. The data is analyzed by descriptive analysis and then it correlates with the context to know expected story. Validation technique is theory triangulation technique and stability reliability. The result at this research are social deixis of forms and the factors which are caused social deixis utilizing in  Sala  Lelimengan novel by Suparto Brata. Social deixis forms consist of two forms, they are referent persona and diction. Lingual unit form and social deixis formed are basic words,  affixed  words, repeatedly words, complex words, and phrase.   Social   deixis   referent   persona   are   aku,   kula,   kowe,   sampeyan, panjenengan, dhik, and gusti. They are basic words. Affixed words are kangmase and  priyayine,  repeatedly  words  are  wong-wong  and  tiyang-tiyang,  complex words are kangmas, dhimas, and dhiajeng, and phrase are kula sakanca and cah ayu. The examples of social deixis diction are lunga, kesah, and tindak. They are basic words.  Affixed words are ngombe and ngunjuk, repeatedly words are ngati- ati and ngatos-atos, complex words are rumah sakit and griya sakit, and phrase are esih mangan and saweg  mangan. The factors which are caused the social deixis  found  are  situasions,  genetic  relationship,  familiarity,  status,  age,  and gender.


Key word: social deixis, Sala Lelimengan novel

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